Mr. Topsy-Turvy 颠倒先生(下) | 原版英语童话故事

Mr. Topsy-Turvy 颠倒先生(下) | 原版英语童话故事


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「The hotel manager tried not to smile when he saw Mr. Topsy-Turvy walk into his hotel carrying his suitcase upside-down and with his topsy-turvy hat on his head.」


“Oh good afternoon, sir,” he said, “Can I help you?”」


Now, something you didn't know about Mr.Topsy-Turvy is the way that he speaks.」


You see, he sometimes gets things the wrong way around.」


Oh, I wonder what he's going to say. Should we find out.


“Afternoon good,” said Mr.Topsy-Turvy to the hotel manager, “I’d room a like!”」


The manager scratched his head. “Um you mean you'd like a room?” He asked.


“Please yes,” replied Mr.Topsy-Turvy.」


So can you see how he's got his words all muddled up?


Instead of saying, “good afternoon,” he says, “Afternoon good”. And instead of saying, “I'd like a room,” he says, “I'd room alike.”


And then right at the end, when he's meant to say, “Yes please,” he says,please yes.” He's got his words all in a muddle.


Can you see this little word “I’d”, “I’d like a room”, this is called a contraction when we make words smaller. And we use these quite a lot.

在这里有一个词语“I'd”,“I’d like a room这叫做缩略语,当我们把词缩短的时候。我们经常使用缩略语

So instead of saying, “I would like a room,” we short it to “I’d”. We use this a lot, “I'll”, “I’ll be back”, “I will be back.”

所以我们不说I would like a room,而是把它缩短为I’d。我们经常使用缩略语例如“I'll将“I will be back”缩略成“I’ll be back

And we use it to shorten words. Often when we're writing letters to important people, we don't use contractions, we use the full words, but this is the way that we speak.


I'd like a room rather than saying I would like a room”, “I can't go out to playrather I cannot go out to play”.

将“I would like a room”说成“I'd like a room将“I cannot go out to play”说成“I can'tgo out to play

And contraction means to get smaller, we expand and we contract. These words are contractions they're made smaller.


Eventually the hotel manager managed to work out what Mr.Topsy-Turvy was talking about, and he was taken up in the elevator to a bedroom.」


Now this is a funny thing because in England, we don't call them elevators. We call them a lift. But here we're using the word elevator, it's used in America, we don't normally use it in England. We is the right word but we often call them a lift.


Then Mr.Topsy-Turvy unpacked his suitcase, put on his pajamas, and went to bed.」


He was rather tired after traveling from wherever he'd come from.」


So he's gone to bed having a nice snooze, a little sleep.


The following day, Mr.Topsy-Turvy went around the town. But what a fuss is going round the town caused. 」


He took a taxi from the hotel, but so confused the taxi driver trying to tell him where he wanted to go, the poor man drove straight into a traffic light.」


“Oh dear,” said Mr.Topsy-Turvy, I am sorry very!”」


Should say I am very sorry”. Can you see the traffic light there, and the taxi.


Now, often you are told don't start a word with the word, don't start a sentence with the word - “but”. But you can. It's not always the best thing to write, but it's fine. Can you see it starts a new sentence “But what a fuss”?

现在,经常有人告诉你不要用那个单词开头,不要用“but”作为句子的开头,但其实你可以这么做。这并总是最好的写法,但这样做是可以的。你能看到它作为新句子的开头“But what a fuss”吗?

But it makes sense. “But what a fuss is going around the town caused.” It's a sentence, on its own, it's fine, even though it's got the word “but at the beginning, we're often told not to do that, but it's okay.

这么做是没问题的。“But what a fuss is going around the town caused.”这是一个句子,就其本身而言,它很好,尽管它以“but”这个单词作为开头,而且我们经常被告知不要这样做,但这没关系。

I'm not saying it's super super super, but it's okay.


Then he went into a big department store in the middle of the town. He walked up to one of the counters.」


I'd like a sock of pairs,he said to the lady behind the counter.」


“You mean a pair of socks,” she smiled, and showed him a pair of bright red socks.」


Mr.Topsy-Turvy put them on his hands!」


That's not a very sensible thing to do. Our socks go on ourfeet, they do not go on our hands. And look, he's got his words muddled, “I'd like a sock of pairs”.


A pair is more than one, it's two. A pair of spectacles, a pairof socks, a pair of gloves.


And he says “I'd like a pair of socks or he gets his words muddled, but he ends up putting them on his hands. Anyway, we don't put socks on our hands, we put gloves on our hands, we put socks on our feet to keep our feet warm.


Then he tried to leavebut being Mr.Topsy-Turvy, he tried to walk down the up escalator, and all the people who were going up the up escalator all fell over themselves. 」


It was a terrible topsy-turvy jumble!」


A jumble,or jumbled up. The escalator goes upor down, you can't go both ways. We go up it or we go down the escalator.


But he's tried to go down, the escalator that's going up, and it's tripped up all the people on it. They don't look very happy, do they?


He went to the library and put all the books upside-down on the shelves, made everybody extremely angry. 」


Then he went to an art gallery and insisted on hanging all the pictures upside-down, so that he could look at them properly.」


It looks like are flection in the water, doesn't it? The mountain is down below, it shouldn't be like this.


And then after Mr.Topsy-Turvy had been in the town for just one day, he disappeared. 」


Nobody knew how he went, or where he went, but he certainly went because he wasn't there anymore. The whole town breathed a sigh of relief. But...」


What the town discovered, eventhough Mr.Topsy-Turvy had left, was that everything was still topsy-turvy.」


“News the is here,” shouted the newscasters, instead of saying, “Here is the news.”」


“Morning good,” people started saying to each other when they met, and “Do do you how?” instead of “How do you do?”」


Everybody was talking topsy-turvy!」


So they're still talking upside-down. Oh dear.


Can you think of something to say that’s topsy-turvy? Go on, try!」


So that is the story of Mr.Topsy-Turvy who gets everything upside-down and or wrong.


Oh, I don't thinkI would want to be like Mr.Topsy-Turvy butI think all of us at sometimes get things a little bit muddled, a little bit upside-down.


So although we are not like Mr.Topsy-Turvy, we all can understand why and how sometimes people are like that.


