Mr. Fussy 挑剔先生(上) | 原版英语童话故事

Mr. Fussy 挑剔先生(上) | 原版英语童话故事


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Hello everyone. I hope you are all well and had a good week.


It's really wet here in England today. Yesterday was really warm, it was a nice sunny day, the sun was shinning.


And then last night, at about 3:00 in the morning, we had a thunder storm, and down came the rain and there was thunder and lightning which was a little bit scary.


I thought my dogs would wake up and start barking but they didn't. Phew...that means there was a bit of luck. But it was very very wet and noisy. And in today, it hasn't stopped raining all day, which is really good for the garden and all the plants and the trees.


And where I'm sitting at the moment, I can see a rabbit in my garden. And I think he's enjoying the rain because it's been very very hot and dry, and the rabbits don't really like that.


I've got a lot of rabbits in my garden, running around, digging holes. They're a little bit naughty. But today is raining, uh...and I quite like the rain but after a while, it gets a bit boring because can't go outside. I did have to go outside this morning, and I ended up getting very wet, and I should have taken an umbrella.


But sometimes I don't mind getting a little bit wet. It's alright, it's okay. Sometimes people really don't like it at all. If you've got to go somewhere, and you've got some really nice clothes on, you don't really want to get all wet.


And that brings me on to a bit the story today, cause the person in this story one of our Mr Men that wouldn't like to get wet.


And he...oh, my chair's moving. He's called Mr Fussy. And fussy is a strange word which you don't probably hearvery often. Fussiness, being fussy, means that you’d like everything to be nice and neat and tidy all the time.


Well, I'd like you to have a little think about you and what you are like.


Having a nice clean house, that's quite good isn't it? It's not very nice when our house gets a little bit messy, like Mr Messy. But, there are times when our rooms, especially our bedrooms, do get a little bit messy.


But somebody who is fussy, gets very angry when things aren't perfect and neat and tidy all the time. And I think, none of us really live our lives like that.


There are always times when the house gets a bit messy and a bit untidy, and sometimes if we're watching a movie and putting our feet up, then sometimes we are a little bit messy. Or sometimes when we eat little bits of food, end up on the floor - my dogs like that - that's being messy.


But fussy is the opposite. And sometimes if you're too fussy like Mr Fussy, life isn't much fun, because there's always a little bit of untidiness, there's always things that could be put away. Otherwise we would end up with nothing in our homes.


If we wanted everything to be really clean and tidy, we wouldn't ever have lots of books which sometimes get a bit dusty, you can see them behind me, and you wouldn't have things like guitars - I think you might be able to see those - and other things, because we'd want everything to always be neat and tidy. I don't think it would be much fun.


So MrFussy is very fussy, he likes everything to be perfect. So let's have a look at our story today. Mr Fussy. I like this story, it's one of my favorites of the Mr Men stories, it makes me laugh a little bit. But I wouldn't want to be like Mr Fussy.


And this book, you can just see here, was written a long time ago. 1976. So I was 5 years old when this book was written, so it's a long time ago, not that far off, 50 years ago.


Mr Fussy...I wonder whether we're going to see his home, his house, like we have with the other stories.


Last time we had Mr Greedy and he had quite a big house, didn't it? I wonder what Mr Fussy's house is going to look like, and what it's going to be like. I think you can probably guess.



「Mr Fussy was fussy about everything. Absolutely everything had to be neat and tidy and in its proper place. 」


「Mr Fussy spent all day and every day rearranging his furniture, and making sure the flowers grew in straight line in his garden, and trying to find specks of dust where there couldn't possibly be specks of dust, because he spent all his time making sure there weren't any specks of dust.」


Oh dear.That doesn't sound like a fun way to spend your day. All day cleaning, making sure your flowers grow in a straight line. I didn't think I want to live like that.


One fine morning, Mr Fussy was having a breakfast. He was very fussy about what heate. He opened the marmalade pot. 」


“Ugh!” he exclaimed. “It's got bits in it!”


And he spent the rest of the morning separating the bits from the marmalade. Or, if you prefer, the marmalade from the bits.


“Fussy old fusspot.” people used to call him.


So marmalade is a bit like a jam, and we call it a preserve, something that we put on our toast in the morning for breakfast.


Jam is often made of strawberries and raspberries. Marmalade isalways made of oranges and the little bits of the peal of the orange go into marmalade, that's what gives it its taste.


But Mr Fussy doesn't like these little bits of orange peal in his marmalade. He doesn't think it looks neat and tidy. Therefore, he spent most of his time taking out the little bits so that the marmalade looks all neat and tidy. But it wouldn't taste very nice.


“Fussy old fusspot.” people used to call him. A fusspot is a sort of fun way of calling somebody who is fussy. What we call them, “Stop being such a fusspot, making a fuss.” “Oh, I don't like this marmalade. It's got bits in!” “Well, just eat it.”


「Then Mr Fussy wentinto his garden. And spent the rest of the day straightening out all the blades of grass on his lawn! Fussy old fusspot!


What a waste of time! If I had to do that in my garden, it would take me avery very long time, hours and hours and hours.


But grass is growing. We walk on the grass. Imagine having to try to straighten all the different blades, that's the little piece of grass that sticks up, the little blade, imagine spending all day, making sure that they're all straight, and not bent or curved over.


What a waste of time! Fussy old fusspot!


That evening Mr Fussy was in his kitchen (ironing his shoelaces) when he heard a crash outside. 」


“Oh! What’s to do?” he murmured to himself, and hurried outside to investigate.


So investigate is to go and find out what is happening.


And he says here, “What's to do?” meaning “What is that going on?”

以及他在这里说道:What's to do? 意思是What is that going on?(这是怎么回事?)”

What’s to do.” It's a funny phrase that we sometimes hear. What’s to do.What is going on.

What’s to do(发生什么事了)是一个我们时常能听到的一个有趣短语。What’s to do、“What is going on”。

Oh, I'm about to ask what is going on because you can probably hear my dogs barking. And that's because there's somebody atthe front door. And although it's really rather annoying sometimes, my dogs’ barking, I wouldn't want to be like Mr Fussy.


“Oh I can't have that noise!” because I can't help it when my dogs bark. And there's lots of things that happen we can't do anything about, but if we're too fussy we wouldn't enjoy our lives, would we?


Oh dear, this doesn't look like Mr Fussy! This is somebody else. Shall we find out who it is?


「There, with a broken gatein one hand, an old battered suitcase in the other, and a sheepish grin...


Now, sheepish means when you do something a bit wrong, andrather go “Sorry!”, you (go) “Sorry...” You smile.


「...a sheepish grin on his face, stood an untidy person. Mr Clumsy!


Now if you are clumsy, you are always knocking things over, breaking things, making a mess.


「“Whoops!” he said, holding up the garden gate. “Oh, it came off in my hand!”


“Who,” spluttered Mr Fussy, looking in horror at the garden gate, “are you?”



