Little Miss Late 迟到小姐(下) | 原版英语童话故事

Little Miss Late 迟到小姐(下) | 原版英语童话故事


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"Tell you what," suggested Miss Neat. "Let's go shopping together tomorrow!"』


"Good idea," agreed Miss Late.」


"I'll meet you in town on the corner of Main Street tomorrow afternoon," said Miss Neat.」


"Two o'clock!"」


"I'll be there," replied Miss Late.」


Can you see, it's the autumn.There's...I think there's one little apple left on the tree.


Do you think Miss Late is going to be there on time? I don't think so.


The following afternoon, Little Miss Neat stood on the corner of Main Street at two o'clock waiting for Miss Late.」


She waited. And waited. And waited some more. Miss Late arrived.」


"Oh, sorry, I'm a bit late." she apologized.」


Apologize is when we say sorry.


"Sorry, I'm a bit late." she apologized.」


"Sorry?" cried Miss Neat."A bit late? It's five o'clock and all the shops are shut!"」


"Sorry," said Miss Late.」


And that's what happened, all the time!」


So shops in England, normally open at 9:00 in the morning and they close at 5:00. Not all of the shops, some stay open to the evening 8:00, 9:00.Some shops are open all day and all night.


But when this book was written, most shops shut at 5:00 or sometimes 5:30. But normally 5:00, 9:00 to 5:00.


And of course, they're not going to be doing any shopping now, are they?Because all the shops are shut.


It happened when Miss Late decided to take a job. Her first job was in a bank.


But the trouble was, by the time she arrived for work, the bank had closed for the day. Every day!」


"Sorry," she said.」


They asked her to leave.」


Now, that means she hasn't got a job anymore. Oh dear.


It happened in her second job, as a waitress in a restaurant.


Mr Greedy came in for lunch. He glanced at the menu.」


"Oh, I'll have everything," he grinned."Twice!"」


He was still waiting to be served at seven o'clock. So he went home.」


"Sorry," said Little Miss Late.」


They asked her to leave.」


So in Britain, often, if you come for lunch, it's a 12:00 or 1:00.And look, it's 7:00 in the eveningand he was still waiting for his food! Well, that's not lunch then. That's his dinner in the evening or his supper.


7:00, oh, I bet his tummy was going...and rumbling.


It happened in her third job, working as a secretary for Mr Uppity.」


Mr Uppity thinks he is better than everybody else.」


"I'd like these letters typed before I go home," Mr Uppity said to her.」


He went home at four o'clock. In the morning!」


"Sorry," said Little Miss Late.」


He asked her to leave.」


So I'd like these letters typed before I go home, but it took so long. And she was so late doing it.


You didn't go home at 4:00, not in the afternoon, 4:00 in the morning. He's going home when peoplein a couple of hours will be waking up. Oh dear. Poor Mr Uppity.


“However, as it happened, which is often the way of things, Little Miss Late managed to find herself the perfect job.”


Now, can you just see here."However", comma, "as it happened", comma, "which is often the way of things"and then there's another comma there.A nd this in our writing sometimes in our reading, is little extra information. If it wasn't there, the sentence would still make sense.

现在,看看这句话。“However”,逗号,“as it happened”,逗号,“which is often the way of things”,然后还有一个逗号。在我们的写作中,有时候,我们在阅读中会得到一些额外的信息。如果没有了中间的这段语句,这句话依旧是有意义且通顺的。

"However, as it happened, Little Miss Late managed to find herself the perfect job."But what the writer stay is, he's given a little bit of extra almost secret information, like he's turning to us and just saying it to us.


However, as it happened, which is often the way of things, Little Miss Late managed to find herself the perfect job. She now works for Mr Lazy!」


Now, if you are lazy, it means you don't like doing anything at all.So Miss Late is often late for things, but it's not because she's really lazy, she just always is late.Where Mr Lazy would be probably late for everythingbecause he can't be bothered, he's lazy and we sometimes call it being a "lazybones".


"Get up, lazybones!" That's what I sometimes say to my children when they're in bed and it's late on a Saturday morning.


"Up you get, lazy bones!"


"I'm really tired."That's what they say back to me sometimes.


She cooks and cleans for him. Cleaning his house every morning. Cooking his lunch every lunch time.」


「Now. Mr Lazy, being Mr Lazy, he doesn't get up in the morning like you and I do. He gets up in the afternoon!


And Little Miss Late, being Little Miss Lateis always late for work. So, she doesn't arrive for work in the morning. She arrives in the afternoon!」


Oh, I think that probably suits Little Miss Late and Mr Lazy a great deal. So they can both be working in the afternoon, Mr Lazy because he's Lazybut Little Miss Late not because she's Lazy, but because she is always, always late.


And. Mr Lazy, being Mr Lazy, doesn't have lunch at lunch time like you and I do. He has lunch at supper time!」


And so, you see, it all works very well. Very well indeed!」


And what's Mr Lazy having for lunch? I think that's spaghetti and a glass of wine. Oh, how lovely. Or it might be black currant. I hope it's a glass of wine. That would be quite nice for having a lunch.


Last Friday evening, the telephone rang in Earlybird Cottage. Little Miss Late had just arrived home from work. It was Mr Silly on the telephone.」


"I've been given some tickets for a dance tomorrow night," he said. "Would you like to come?"」


"Ooo, yes please,"said Miss Late eagerly.」


"Right," replied Mr Silly."I'll pick you up at seven o'clock!"」


Last Saturday, Mr Silly walked up the path to the front door of Earlybird Cottage. He knocked.」


"Come in," called a voice from upstairs.」


“Mr Silly went in.」


“"Make yourself at home,"called Little Miss Late from upstairs."I'll be down in a minute!"」


Do you think she's going to be down in a minute? Or do you think she's going to be late again?


I think she's going to be late again and Mr Silly they will miss the dance. I don't think Miss Late ever going to be on time.


And that's the thing about sometimes being late, it's very difficult to suddenly change it.


