【美音版】Lesson49 市场调查-Part1

【美音版】Lesson49 市场调查-Part1


1. You might have a general idea of who your users are and what they need, but you must dig deeper if you want to win their loyalty.

2. A brand needs to learn how to relate to the customer in their language tofacilitate a positive relationship.

3. Conducting individual interviews allows you to dive further and explore the customers’ concerns, which can lead to all sorts of revelations.

4. As the real estate market is saturated in this region, room for growth can become extremely limited.

5. Identifying your target audience as a business can help craft marketing strategies and define your core customers. 

6. Today, social media is a critical part of any business’ marketing plan, as it’s a hugely compelling way to drive traffic and build brand awareness.

7. An organization's downfall could invariably stem from failing to account for factors that they never knew.

