473 – From soldier to starfish 3 从士兵到海星 2

473 – From soldier to starfish 3 从士兵到海星 2


Source: https://bettersleep.org/better-sleep/

3. Yearner position:

Can’t find the right sleeping position for you? If you’re yearning (向往) for a good night’s sleep, look no further than the Yearner position. A close-to-third of Americans choose this position, with 13% of Americans sleeping this way. This position consists of lying on your side with both arms out in front of your body. If you’re interested in this position, try talking to a Baby Boomer (婴儿潮), as they are more likely to sleeplike this than Millennials (千禧一代) and Gen Xers.


4. Soldier position:

A soldier may be a person who serves in the military (军队), but it’s also the name of the fourth most common sleeping position, preferred by 11% of the population studied. Those who lie on their backs with their arms down and close to the body when they sleep are more likely than those who sleep in the Fetal, Freefall or Yearner positions to either not change positions or only change positions once. This position, along with Log and Starfish positions, has more medical benefits.


  • 听友299900258


    录程留学 回复 @听友299900258: 你好,衷心感谢你的留言,对我是一种莫大的鼓励。每天一个人对着话筒自言自语,其实有时候会质疑这么做的意义。得知我的声音能够为你缓解压力,我由衷感到安慰。谢谢!

  • 岁月静好花盛开
