472 – From soldier to starfish 1 从士兵到海星1

472 – From soldier to starfish 1 从士兵到海星1


Source: https://bettersleep.org/better-sleep/

Sleep on the side (side sleeper): 侧睡者

Sleep on the back (Back sleeper): 仰睡者

Sleep on the stomach (stomach sleeper): 俯睡者

1. Fetal (胎儿) position:

It turns out that many of us sleep like we did when we were infants (婴儿). A whopping 47% of all Americans sleep in this curled-up (蜷曲的)manner (方式) and it’s considered the most common sleep position. Women are also more likely to sleep in this position compared to men (54% vs. 39%).



2. Freefall(自由落体)position:

People who lie on their stomachs, with their heads turned to the side and their arms under or wrapped around a pillow, comprise 17% of the population studied. Despite being the second most popular sleeping position, about one-quarter (26%) of all Americans consider it the worst sleeping position. Introverts (内向者) also report having the strongest aversion (厌恶)to this position, so try not to ask them too many questions about it!


  • 岁月静好花盛开
