34.High School English Reading Listening

34.High School English Reading Listening


By following the footsteps on the muddy road, the dog guided us to a small house.I waved to my comrades and we came near to a window.Looking in we found a man turning his radio set or operating some other instruments, possibly trying to get in touch with someone.He suddenly turned round.He must have sensed that there was something wrong.The danger he was in hit him.He picked up his gun, opened the door as quickly as possible, and rushed out, trying to flee.He was out of breath when he saw us closing in and let out a cry in despair(绝望).
循着泥泞道路上的脚步声,狗把我们带到了一座小房子前,我向我的同志们挥手,我们来到一扇窗户前,向里面看去,我们发现一个男人正在转动他的收音机或操作其他仪器,可能是想和某人取得联系。他突然转过身来,他一定是感觉到有什么不对劲,他所处的危险使他受到打击,他拿起枪,尽快打开门,冲了出去,试图逃跑。 当他看到我们靠近时,他已经喘不过气来,发出了绝望的哭声。
get in touch with 和…联系
something wrong 岔子
out of breath 喘不过气 ; 上气不接下气
closing in 故意冲撞
let out 出租 ; 放出,释放 ; 呼 ; 发出

