41.High School English Reading Listening

41.High School English Reading Listening


Nicolai Calabria has already become one of the best 106-pound wrestlers. He has successfully climbed to the top of the highest mountain in Africa, and most importantly, he's changed the attitude of any normal person who watches him compete.
  The 17-year-old teenager has one leg. He was born that way, but his goal is to show it's not the one thing that defines him. He would also be the first one to tell you that he just_wants_to prove to others and himself that he's just like other normal ones.
  When Calabria was young, his parents tried different prostheses(假肢)to find out which was most comfortable for their son as he tried to keep up with a family, who has a preference for sports.
  At first, the Calabrias had their middle child in a prosthesis that looked and functioned like a “real” leg, but soon they decided to choose a different path when they found it wasn't beneficial to his movement. Then the family moved him to arm crutches(手杖) and from there a new burst of energy was found.
  Getting others to believe that he could take off on the soccer field took a little bit longer. When the Calabrias moved to Concord, they had a hard time convincing the town soccer programme to allow a child like him to compete with able-bodied kids. After months and months of debates and meetings, the family received the answer they were looking for. Since then, witnessing a young man on crutches who competes against those with two legs has become a_fixed_event in the Concord community.
  “At that time I had nothing but discouragement working with the soccer community, however, now I have nothing but admiration for the fact that he's been allowed to play, and people see that he adds value to game,” his father said. “I just think it's a great result.”
  起初,卡拉布里亚夫妇为他们的中年孩子安装了一个看起来和功能都像 "真正 "的腿的假肢,但很快他们就决定选择不同的道路,因为他们发现这对他的运动没有好处。然后,家人把他转移到了手臂拐杖上,并从那里发现了新的活力。
become one 成为一体,结合
that way 那边
just like 正象
find out 找出 ; 发现 ; 查明 ; 查出…行为不轨
most comfortable 使人舒服的 ; 舒适的 ; 愉快放松的 ; 舒服的 ; 安逸的 ; 自信而无忧虑的 ; 自在的 ; comfortable的最高级
keep up with 跟上 ; 不落人之后 ; 对…消息灵通 ; 保持接触
At first 一开始 ; 最初;起初;开始时

