


Few would have expected that spectators at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics would include animals. And yet, coverage of the event featured several sightings of wildlife, particularly leopard cats apparently seeking to get in on the action.


On Jan 31, on the alpine ski slopes in Yanqing district, 90 kilometers northwest of Beijing, a leopard cat was spotted strolling through an award-ceremony rehearsal.




The event caught the attention of volunteers and staff, with many snapping photos. Three days later, a Chinese photographer captured another leopard cat in the woods near the Olympic ski slopes. The creature ran past him, jumped over a fence and looked back.



▲ 冬奥赛事记者在雪道边树林里拍到的豹猫

Among those most excited by these sightings was Luo Shujin, an avid skier and a conservation biologist at Peking University.


Leopard cats are wild felids, slightly larger than house cats, and they mostly steer clear of human activity. However, according to Luo, the frequent appearance of the animals close to the ski runs indicates that the species has persisted in this human-dominated landscape, which is relatively close to the megacity of Beijing. And, their calm demeanor suggests they are not frightened by human activity.


图片 罗述金在冬奥会赛区(采访者供图)

Luo says in the absence of any research data, it is too early to draw any conclusions that the creation of the Olympic skiing venue has not affected the surrounding forests and wildlife. However, she says it's possible that the wild cats have to some extent already adapted to coexistence with humans, likely because people at the venue have not shown an aggressive attitude toward the animals since its construction.


Luo, 46, has been studying the wildlife around Yanqing for years. In December 2018, she was tracking leopard cat droppings on a hill when she discovered that the animals were living close to the ski resort. She found this surprising and decided to gather photographic evidence of wildlife in the area.


"I thought about that famous pictures of a puma walking by the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles, and I asked myself: Can we get a picture of a leopard cat walking by the alpine ski course of the Beijing Winter Olympics?"



▲ 在美国洛杉矶的格利菲公园拍到的公美洲狮。Steve Winter/National Geographic Creative

To examine the state of the animal's population, she and her colleagues set up 10 infrared cameras along 15 km of the hilly trail. The efforts paid off. They got pictures of many wild animals, including roe deer, badgers, gorals and wild boar. Leopard cats were photographed three times, the first one caught on camera in February last year—with the Olympic ski runs in the background.



▲ 2021年2月,豹猫走过红外相机镜头,对面是冬奥会高山滑雪赛道

"Who would have thought that this mountain trail, several kilometers away from the alpine skiing course of the Beijing Winter Olympics, would be frequented by leopard cats," she says.


According to Luo, wild cats are rarely seen so close to big cities, especially metropolitan cities.


"I think this is a little-known side of Beijing," says Luo, who is proud that such wildlife can be found so close to the capital city.

“这其实是北京鲜为人知的一面,” 罗述金说,她对能在距离首都如此近的地方看到这样的野生动物感到很自豪。



Luo sent the photo to the journal Science, along with a 300-word essay titled, The Hidden Olympic Spectator, which was published on July 23, 2021, the opening day of the 2020 Tokyo Summer Games.


She also shared the discovery with the 2022 Beijing Winter Games organizing committee, explaining its significance in terms of biodiversity, helping them to build a picture of the relationship between winter sports and nature.


Luo's relationship with this Winter Olympics has not been all hard work. She has also found time to indulge her passion for winter sports. After several tests, she was appointed as a technical officer on the Olympic alpine skiing referee team, bringing her even closer to the action. For Luo, being surrounded by hundreds of athletes and spectators was a thrill—a marked contrast to her solitary fieldwork.


"I was deeply touched by the exchange and communication at this grand event that spans races, languages and countries," she says. "Such an event causes me to hope that we can leverage our strengths to ensure continued coexistence between wilderness and human settlements."

“我们被跨种族、跨语言、跨国家的一次世界性盛会的交流和沟通而深深触动,” 罗述金说道,“这样的盛会让我希望能够贡献出自己的力量,让野生环境和人类环境的共存状态维持下去。”

图片▲ 罗述金将发表在《科学》杂志上的文章打印出来,并邀请不同国家地区代表在上面签名留念

Now that the 2022 Winter Olympics have ended, Luo plans to continue her leopard cat research in Yanqing district, just as her many European counterparts have carried out studies on wildlife around ski resorts near the Alps.


"The alpine skiing site on the outskirts of Beijing will be an excellent place to study how wild animals share the same space with humans," she says. "As we watch the skiers racing down the slopes, I know that the striding leopard cat will be watching us."




录音:Stephanie Stone

来源:新华社 猫盟CFCA 三联生活周刊

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  • HAHA大人

    marked:明显的,显著的(比较级 more marked,最高级 most marked);有标记的,有记号的;(牌戏作弊)背面有标记的;成为攻击对象的,处境危险的 v. 做标记于;打分数;使有污点(mark 的过去式和过去分词) solitary:adj. 独自的,单独的;偏僻的,孤立的;独自完成的;(人或动物)独处的,独居的;(花或其他部分)单生的;唯一的,仅有的 n. 单独监禁;独居者,隐士 grand:adj. 壮丽的,宏伟的,宏大的;傲慢的,高高在上的;令人愉快的;<非正式>极好的;总括的;大的;(罪行)严重的,富丽堂皇的 n. <非正式>一千美元,一千英镑;大钢琴,三角钢琴

  • HAHA大人

    infrare:红外线的;(设备,技术)使用红外的,涉及红外的n. 红外区,红外线,红外辐射 Hilly:多山丘的,丘陵起伏的 Pay off:付清;取得成功;贿赂;报复 Indulge:v. 沉湎,沉溺;纵容,迁就;满足(情感、兴趣、欲望等);参加,参与(尤指违法活动) referee:n. (比赛的)裁判员;仲裁员,调解人;<英>(求职 等时的)证明人,介绍人;(刊登前鉴定文章的)审阅人,(拨款前鉴定研究计划的)鉴定专家 v. (给……)当裁判;(给……)做仲裁员,(给……)做调解人;审阅,鉴定(专业性强的文章)

  • HAHA大人

    Avid:热心的,热衷的;渴望的,渴求的 steer:v. 驾驶(交通工具),掌方向盘;引导,指导(某人的行为);引导,带领(某人去某地);(交通工具)行驶,沿(特定路线或方向)行进;选择某种做法,采取某种方式;(机动车)容易或难以驾驶 n. (车辆的)驱动方式;<非正式> 建议;阉公牛,食用公牛 clear of:清除,清扫 megacity:n. 大城市(人口超过1000万的) demeanor:举止,风度,行为 venue:n. (事件的)发生地点,(活动的)场所;<英,法律>审判地(指郡或区)

  • HAHA大人

    snap:v. (咔嚓一声)断裂,折断;(使)啪地突然移动;厉声说,怒气冲冲地说;突然崩溃;(狗等动物)突然咬,猛咬;拍照,摄影;<美>使……终结;(啪的一声)扣上,打开;发出噼啪声;打响指;<美>(美式橄榄球)后传发球 n. (尤指东西断裂或关上的)喀嚓声,啪嗒声;快照,;打响指,响指声;<美,非正式>容易的事;某种短时期的天气;迅速的动作;<美>(美式橄榄球)(裆下后传)发球;(风格或动作)充满活力,热情;不耐烦的语调(或样子);<北英格兰>食物(尤指带到工作地点在休息时间吃的);薄脆饼干;突然折断;猛咬 adj. 突然的,仓促的 int. <英,非正式>真巧啊,一模一样

  • HAHA大人

    alpine:阿尔卑斯山的,高山的 Ski: n. 滑雪(水)板;(车辆的)滑橇;水橇,滑水撬(=waterski)v. 滑雪,滑水adj. 滑雪的,滑水的 Slope:n. 斜坡,斜面;山坡;滑雪斜坡;斜度,坡度;(电子)斜率;扛枪姿势;<美,非正式> 东方人(尤指越南人) v. 倾斜,成斜坡;歪斜;悄悄地走,溜;<英,非正式> 逛,随意走动 stroll:v. n.散步,闲逛;(体育比赛,竞技)轻而易举地获胜