6. 精讲-真相:信息超载时代,我们该相信什么

6. 精讲-真相:信息超载时代,我们该相信什么


6. 真相:信息超载时代,我们该相信什么

Information Overload Helps Fake News Spread, and Social Media Knows It


We prefer information from people we trust, ourin-group. We pay attention to and are more likely to share information aboutrisks. We search for and remember things that fit well with what we alreadyknow and understand. These biases are products of our evolutionary past, andfor tens of thousands of years, they served us well.

Modern technologies are amplifying these biases inharmful ways, however. Search engines direct us to sites that inflame our suspicions,and social media connects us with like-minded people, feeding our fears. Makingmatters worse, bots enable misguided or malevolent actors to take advantage ofhis vulnerabilities.

Compounding the problem is the proliferation ofonline information. Viewing and producing blogs, videos, tweets and other unitsof information called memes has become so cheap and easy that the informationmarketplace is inundated. Unable to process all this material, we let ourcognitive biases decide what we should pay attention to. These mental shortcutsinfluence which information we search for, comprehend, remember and repeat to aharmful extent.

The glut of information has generated intensecompetition for people's attention. One of the first consequences of theso-called attention economy is the loss of high-quality information. Even whenwe want to see and share high-quality information, our inability to vieweverything in our news feeds inevitably leads us to share things that arepartly or completely untrue.

Cognitive biases greatly worsen the problem. Ourminds adjust our understanding of new information so that it fits in with whatwe already know. But experiments consistently show that even when peopleencounter balanced information containing views from differing perspectives,they tend to find supporting evidence for what they already believe.

Social media can also increase our negativity. Socialmedia amplifies homophily by allowing users to alter their social networkstructures through following, unfriending, and so on. The result is that peoplebecome segregated into large, dense and increasingly misinformed communitiescommonly described as echo chambers.

A number of tools have been produced to help peopleunderstand their own vulnerabilities, as well as the weaknesses of social mediaplatforms. These programmatic tools are important aids, but institutionalchanges are also necessary to curb the proliferation of fake news. Educationcan help, although it is unlikely to encompass all the topics on which peopleare misled. One of the best ideas may be to make it more difficult to createand share low-quality information. This could involve adding friction byforcing people to pay to share or receive information.





1. “超载”用英文怎么说?

2. “the glut of”是什么意思?

3.  为什么信息超载会使我们变得越来越闭塞?


Information Overload Helps Fake News Spread, andSocial Media Knows It


overload /əʊvəˈləʊd/ n. 过载,超载

We prefer information frompeople we trust, our in-group. We pay attention to and are more likelyto share information about risks. We search for and remember things that fitwell with what we already know and understand. These biases areproducts of our evolutionary past, and for tens of thousands of years,they served us well.


in-group /ˈɪnɡruːp/ n. 小集团,小圈子

fitwell with与…相符,很适合…

bias /ˈbaɪəs/ n. 偏见

evolutionary /iːvəˈluːʃənərɪ/ adj. 进化的,发展的

Modern technologies are amplifying these biases in harmful ways, however. Search engines direct us to sitesthat inflame our suspicions, and social media connects us with like-minded people, feeding our fears. Making matters worse, bots enable misguided or malevolent actors to take advantage of his vulnerabilities.


amplify/ˈæmplɪˌfaɪ/v. 扩大,放大

inflame /ɪnˈfleɪm/v. 使加剧,激起,激怒

suspicion /səˈspɪʃən/n. 怀疑

like-minded /laɪkˈmaɪndɪd/ adj. 志趣相投的,具有相似意向或目的的

feed /fiːd/v. 喂养,增进,为(某人)提供(信息、主意等)

bot /bɒt/n. 网上机器人,机器人程序

enable /ɪnˈeɪbəl/ v. 使能够,使成为可能

misguided/mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd/adj. 被误导的,误入歧途的


malevolent /məˈlevələnt/adj. 有恶意的,心怀不轨的

takeadvantage of 利用

vulnerability/vʌlnərəˈbɪləti/n. 弱点

Compounding the problem is the proliferation of online information. Viewing andproducing blogs, videos, tweets and other units of information called memes has become so cheap and easy that the information marketplace is inundated.Unable to process all this material, we let our cognitive biases decidewhat we should pay attention to. These mental shortcuts influence whichinformation we search for, comprehend, remember and repeat to a harmfulextent.


compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ v. 加重,恶化,混合

proliferation /prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn/n. 扩散,增生

tweet /twiːt/n. 推特,小鸟叫声

meme /miːm/ n. 文化基因,表情包

marketplace /ˈmɑːkɪtˌpleɪs/ n. 市场

inundate /ˈɪnʌnˌdeɪt/v. 淹没

cognitive /ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv/ adj. 认知的

shortcut /ʃɔːtkʌt/ n. 捷径

comprehend/kɒmprɪˈhend/v. 理解

The glut of informationhas generated intense competition for people's attention. One of thefirst consequences of the so-called attention economy is the loss ofhigh-quality information. Even when we want to see and share high-qualityinformation, our inability to view everything in our news feeds inevitably leadsus to share things that are partly or completely untrue.


glut /ɡlʌt/ n. 大量,供过于求

intense/ɪnˈtens/adj. 激烈的

inevitably /ɪnˈevɪtəbli/adv. 不可避免地,必然地

关联词:inevitable /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/ adj. 不可避免的

Cognitive biases greatly worsen the problem. Our minds adjust our understanding of new informationso that it fits in with what we already know. But experiments consistently showthat even when people encounter balanced information containing viewsfrom differing perspectives, they tend to find supporting evidence for what they already believe.


worsen /ˈwɜːsən/ v. 使恶化

adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ v. 调整

consistently /kənˈsɪstəntli/adv. 一贯地,一致地

encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntə/ v. 遇见,碰到

perspective /pəˈspektɪv/n.观点,看法

supporting /səˈpɔːtɪŋ/adj. 支持的,辅助的

Social media can also increaseour negativity. Social media amplifies homophily by allowingusers to alter their social network structures through following, unfriending,and so on. The result is that people become segregated into large, denseand increasingly misinformed communities commonly described as echochambers.


negativity /neɡəˈtɪvəti/ n. 消极性,否定性

homophily/ˈhəuməfaili/n. 同质性


unfriend /ʌnˈfrend/ v. 解除好友关系

segregated/ˈseɡrɪɡeɪtɪd/adj. 隔离的

misinform /mɪsɪnˈfɔːm/v. 误传

echo /ˈekəʊ/n. 回音,效仿;v. 反射,重复

chamber /ˈtʃeɪmbə/n. 房间,室

A number of tools have beenproduced to help people understand their own vulnerabilities, as well as the weaknesses of social media platforms. These programmatic tools are important aids, but institutional changes are also necessary to curb the proliferation of fake news. Education can help, although it isunlikely to encompass all the topics on which people are misled.One of the best ideas may be to make it more difficult to create and sharelow-quality information. This could involve adding friction by forcingpeople to pay to share or receive information.


weakness /ˈwiːknɪs/ n. 弱点

platform/ˈplætfɔːm/n. 平台

programmatic /prəʊɡrəˈmætɪk/ adj. 程序化的,有计划的

aid /eɪd/ n. 援助,帮助

institutional /ɪnstɪˈtjuːʃənəl/adj. 制度上的

curb/kɜːb/v. 控制,抑制

fake /feɪk/ adj. 假的

encompass /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/v. 包含

mislead /mɪsˈliːd/v. 误导

friction /ˈfrɪkʃən/ n. 摩擦


1. Viewing and producing blogs,videos, tweets and other units of information called memes(主语) has become(系动词) so cheap and easy(形容词做表语) that the informationmarketplace is inundated.(形容词引起的从句)


解析:这个句子是主语+系动词+形容词+从句(形容词引起的结构),本句的主语比较长为Viewing andproducing blogs, videos, tweets and other units of information called memes;has become作为系动词,此处是become的现在完成时态;cheap and easy是形容词做表语;后面that引起的从句是补充说明前面的形容词。

2. Even when we want to see andshare high-quality information(状语),our inability to view everything in our news feedsinevitably(主语)leads(谓语) us(宾语) to share things (宾语) that(定语从句)are partly or completely untrue.


解析:首先来看逗号前面的结构是一个状语从句,这种现象是状语从句前置,和主句间用一个逗号隔开;然后我们来看主句,主句的主语是ourinability to view everything in our news feeds inevitably,leads做谓语,后面跟着一个复合结构宾语,分别是us和 to share things;最后再来看that引导的从句是来修饰前面的名词things的,因此这是一个定语从句。

3. But(转折词) experiments(主语) consistently(状语) show(谓语) that(宾语从句) even when(状语从句) people(主语) encounter(谓语) balanced information(宾语) containing views from differingperspectives(定语),they(主语) tend(谓语) to find supporting evidence(宾语) for what they already believe(定语).


解析:首先来看but(转折词)后面的部分,experiments(主语) consistently(状语) show(谓语),后面跟着一个that引导的从句做宾语;再来看that引导的宾语从句,从句的主干部分是they(主语) tend(谓语) to find supporting evidence(介词短语做宾语) for what they already believe(介词短语做名词evidence的定语);再来看宾语从句的状语部分, even副词修饰时间副词when,when引导了一个状语从句,people(主语) encounter(谓语) balanced information(宾语) containing views from differingperspectives(分词短语做定语)。


Makingmatters worse, bots enable misguided or malevolent actors totake advantage of his vulnerabilities.


表达:making matters worse


仿写:Making matters worse,cash itself has become scarce.


In this case, the priorityshould be not making matters worse.









