7. 精讲-总拿孩子作比较,后果会怎样?

7. 精讲-总拿孩子作比较,后果会怎样?


7. 总拿孩子作比较,后果会怎样?

The Problem with Telling Children They’re Better Than Others


When parents ask, “What grade did you get?” there is a common follow-up question:“So who got the highest grade?” Most social comparisons are so common in dailylife that they are usually glossed over.

Social comparisons are well intentioned: we want to make children feel proud and motivate them to achieve. Yet social comparisons can backfire: children can learn to always compare themselves with those around them and become trapped in a vicious cycle of competition.

One well-known strategy to eliminate social comparisons is to provide children with participation trophies. Such awards, however, may not abolish social comparisons: despite receiving the same trophy, children are sensitive to even minor differences in performance between themselves and others. High-performingchildren who receive the same prize as low-performing ones may feel unjustly treatedand look down on the latter group. More generally, those who receive unwarranted rewards may come to believe that they are entitled to recognitionand admiration. Indeed, lavishing children with praise can, in some cases,cultivate narcissism, research shows.

How,then, can we make children feel proud of themselves and motivate them without the unwanted side effects? We believe a better approach is to use temporal comparisons—encouraging children to compare themselves with their past self rather than with others, such as by assessing how much they have learned orimproved themselves. When children compare themselves with their past self,they don’t compete with others.

What,then, can parents and teachers do with this knowledge? For one, parents and teacherscan praise children’s improvement over time to let them know they are making progress and heading in the right direction. Also, teachers can create learning contexts that track children’s own progress over time, such as report cardsthat display their changes in learning and performance. By doing so, adults teach children that outperforming oneself is more important than outperforming others and that even small victories may be celebrated.



生活似乎永远都是在比较,你是别人的参考对象,别人也是你的参考对象。就比如父母常说的:“你看人家的孩子,6岁跳舞就跳的这么好。”“你看人家的孩子,考试总是第一名。” “你看人家的孩子…”这样一句句看似简单的话语,却如一根根隐形的刺埋进了孩子们的心里。也许家长说完便忘了,又或许家长们只是希望用这种方式来激励孩子,但他们却没想到,这些话会对孩子的成长产生消极负面的影响,并不利于孩子的心理健康。那么,我们怎样才能让孩子们获得自信,为自己感到自豪呢?这就需要家长们善用比较法了。下面就和小董老师一起去看看吧!


1.   让孩子获得自豪感的正确方式是什么?

2.   “过分给予”在文中是怎么表达的?

3.   “glossover sth”是什么意思?


The Problem with Telling Children They’re BetterThan Others


When parents ask, “What gradedid you get?” there is a common follow-up question: “So who got thehighest grade?” Most social comparisons are so common in daily life that theyare usually glossed over.


follow-up /ˈfɒləʊ ʌp/ adj. 后续的

gloss over sth. 掩盖,掩饰

近义词组:belooked over 被轻视,被忽视

关联词:gloss/ɡlɒs/ n. 虚假的外表,光泽

Social comparisons are wellintentioned: we want to make children feel proud and motivate themto achieve. Yet social comparisons can backfire: children can learn toalways compare themselves with those around them and become trapped in a vicious cycle of competition.


well intentioned adj.出于好心的,善意的

关联词:intention /ɪnˈtenʃn/ n. 意图,目的

motivate /ˈməʊtɪveɪt/ v. 激发,激励

词根:mot (动)

backfire /bækˈfaɪə(r)/ v. 产生事与愿违的不良(或危险)后果

trap /træp/ v. 使落入险境,使陷入困境

vicious /ˈvɪʃəs/ adj. 恶劣的,严重的

One well-known strategy to eliminate social comparisons is to provide children with participation trophies.Such awards, however, may not abolish social comparisons: despitereceiving the same trophy, children are sensitive to even minor differences in performance between themselves and others. High-performingchildren who receive the same prize as low-performing ones may feel unjustly treated and look down on the latter group.Moregenerally, those who receive unwarranted rewards may come to believethat they are entitled to recognition and admiration. Indeed, lavishing children with praise can, in some cases, cultivate narcissism, researchshows.


eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ v. 排除,消除

trophy /ˈtrəʊfi/ n. 奖品,奖杯

abolish/əˈbɒlɪʃ/ v. 废除,消除

近义词:eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ v. 消除

be sensitive to对…感到敏感

sensitive /ˈsensətɪv/ adj. 敏感的(仪器或人)

minor /ˈmaɪnə(r)/adj. 次要的,较小的

performance /pəˈfɔːməns/n. 表现

high-performingadj. 表现好的,成绩好的

low-performing adj. 表现差的,成绩差的

unjustly /ʌnˈdʒʌstli/ adv. 不公平的地,非正当地

关联词:just /dʒʌst/adj. 公正的,正当的

look down on看不起,轻视

unwarranted /ʌnˈwɒrəntɪd/ adj. 无根据的,无保证的

关联词:warrant /ˈwɒrənt/ n. 搜查令,授权令

be entitled to有权,有资格…

lavish /ˈlævɪʃ/ v. 过分给予,滥施

词根:lav (流动,液体)

关联词:lavatory /ˈlævətri/ n. 盥洗室,卫生间

cultivate /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ v. 培养,逐渐形成

narcissism /ˈnɑːsɪsɪzəm/n. 自恋

关联词:narcissist /ˈnɑːsɪsɪst/ n. 自恋者

narcissus/nɑːˈsɪsəs/ n. 水仙花

How, then, can we make childrenfeel proud of themselves and motivate them without the unwanted side effects?We believe a better approach is to use temporal comparisons—encouraging children to compare themselves with their past selfrather than with others, such as by assessing how much they have learnedor improved themselves.When children compare themselves with their pastself, they don’t compete with others.


sideeffects 副作用,不良影响

temporal /ˈtempərəl/ adj. 时间的,现世的

词根:temp (时间)

关联词:temporary /ˈtemprəri/ adj. 短暂的,临时的

assess /əˈses/ v. 评估

关联词:assessment /əˈsesmənt/ n. 评估

What, then, can parents andteachers do with this knowledge? For one, parents and teachers can praise children’s improvement over time to let them know they are making progress and heading in the right direction. Also, teachers can create learning contexts that track children’s own progress over time, such as report cards that display their changes in learning and performance. By doing so,adults teach children that outperforming oneself is more important thanoutperforming others and that even small victories may be celebrated.


praise/preɪz/ v. 表扬,赞扬

head /hed/ v. 前进,出发

track/træk/ v. 跟踪,追踪

display /dɪˈspleɪ/v. 显示,展现

over time 久而久之,随着时间的变化

outperform/aʊtpəˈfɔːm/v. 超过,胜过

关联词:outlive /aʊtˈlɪv/ v. 活得比…久

outrun/aʊtˈrʌn/ v. 跑的比…快

例句:Do you think we can outrun bear?

Idon’t need to outrun bear, I just need to outrun you.


1. We (主语)believe(谓语)(宾语从句)a better approach (从句主语)is (系动词)to use temporal comparisons(表语)—encouraging children to comparethemselves with their past self rather than with others(解释说明), such as by assessing (宾语从句)how much they have learned orimproved themselves.


解析:“We”做主语,谓语是“believe”,后面是一个宾语从句,引导词省略了。从句的主语是“a betterapproach”,“is”系动词,后面的不定式短语做表语。破折号后面是对前面“temporalcomparisons”的解释说明,后面的assessing后面接了一个宾语从句。

2. By doing so(方式状语), adults (主语)teach (谓语) children(宾语) that (宾语从句1)outperforming oneself (从句1主语)is (从句1系动词)more important thanoutperforming others (从句1表语)and that (宾语从句2)evensmall victories (从句2主语)may be celebrated(从句2谓语).


解析:By doing so”放在句首做方式状语。本句的主语是“adults”,“teach”是谓语,“ children”为宾语,后面是两个由“and”连接的宾语从句。

第一个宾语从句是一个主系表结构,还包含了一个比较结构“more + adj + than”。第二个宾语从句是主谓结构,“may becelebrated”是一个复合谓语。


1.Most social comparisonsare so common indaily life that they are usuallyglossed over.


句型:…are so common indaily life that they are usuallyglossed over


仿写:Age discrimination is so common in dailylife that it is usually glossed over.


2. One well-known strategy toeliminate social comparisonsisto provide children with participation trophies.


句型:One well-known strategy to… is to…


仿写:One well-known strategy to preventglobal warming is to cut carbon dioxide emission.







