14.《赋能》The Empowerment

14.《赋能》The Empowerment


The book we are talking about today is called Empowerment. The book focuses on how an organisation can improve the collaboration of its team members. The book uses the example of the Navy SEALs to show how atomised individuals can be cobbled together into a small super team with a high level of mutual trust.
For example, the SEALs are famous for their devilish training methods: six months of super-high intensity physical training, various corporal punishments, "hell week" with only four hours of sleep in five days, and so on. The aim of this training is to create extreme situations in order to sharpen the minds of the soldiers and at the same time strengthen their mutual trust and understanding.
 Of course, in the business world, it is impossible to replicate this type of team building. But there are times when an organisation faces a sudden crisis, and this is an extreme situation for the organisation. At this point, leaders must not panic, but take the initiative to use the crisis to strengthen the team and build team cohesion.
The most important thing to do is to share information. In extraordinary times, the lack of transparency of information is the biggest source of panic. So, you need to answer the questions that people are most concerned about first. For example, during the new crown epidemic in 2020, the first thing leaders should do is to explain to their employees exactly what the damage to the company is, what the worst outcome will be, etc.
Very often, leaders always feel that I have to be strong in front of my subordinates, and as a result, they are fighting in silence and alone. This is not true. At this time, the leader has to take the initiative to show weakness, so as to mobilise everyone to fight.
For example, during the epidemic, the old boss of Xibei wrote an article in which he said that Xibei only had three months of cash flow. He had tens of thousands of employees who needed to be paid, but the business would most likely not have revenue coming in for a few months. The boss didn't say this to shrug it off, saying that the company is not working and everyone should just scatter. Rather, he was telling everyone the actual situation, and at the same time, the whole staff was working together to come up with ways to tide over the difficult times. It is a fact that "poor people's children are early adopters" and that employees in distress grow up fast.

