21.《理解媒介》Understanding the medium

21.《理解媒介》Understanding the medium


The book we're talking about today is called Understanding Media. Its author, McLuhan, is a great scholar in the field of communication, roughly the equivalent of Stephen Hawking in the world of physics. McLuhan's most profound insight is in five words: "The medium is the message".
What McLuhan wants to tell us is that the medium, as a means of disseminating information, determines not only the style of the message, but also its content. In other words, once the medium has changed, the message has changed. A video played in a cinema, a video played on the TV at home, a video played on a mobile phone, is pressed into a different species. Today, McLuhan's theories are not new, but a few decades ago, the American communication community did not accept his ideas at all, and they called McLuhan a magician and a fraud.
The greatest value of McLuhan's theory, as we know, is that it reverses the relationship between content and form.
In the past, if we were asked which influenced us more, form or content, most people would choose content, and that's what the American communication community thought. So, scholars in those days liked to study how content influenced audiences. For example, after watching a news story, are teenagers more significantly violent? This is the classic communication science question.
Such studies, however, were short-lived and there was no way to build a disciplinary theory at a higher level.
Communication science was then faced with a crisis; what was the point of the discipline?
It was at this point that McLuhan emerged with his media theory. McLuhan exclaimed: the medium is the message! -- the medium itself is the real valuable message! In Understanding the Medium, he gives the example of the human being as the watchdog, the form of the medium as the thief, and the content as a tasty piece of meat. The thief throws a piece of meat away to distract attention, which is why people focus on the content and ignore the form.
But in reality, content brings only a short-term shift; form brings long-term, macro changes. For example, the advent of the printing press led to the development of rational civilisation in the West; the advent of television led to a dramatic shift in the relationship between people and society. It is form, not content, that dominates all this.
McLuhan's theories, which fundamentally overturned the communication science of the past, found the foundation for communication science.
Scholars at the time did not accept McLuhan's theories, in fact, because his ideas were so far ahead of their time. So, looking at it today, we get the impression that the theory works well and is particularly strong in its explanations. Because we live in the age of the Internet. The Internet is a medium, a medium that is profoundly changing human society.

