


The book we are talking about today is The Principles. This book is the work of Rae Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Funds in the United States. Not only is Dalio a successful entrepreneur, he is also a "King of Golden Quotes", and his work is full of golden quotes, one of which can be used to end a PowerPoint presentation. Today we will start with one of Dalio's golden quotes.
"The deepest delusions people suffer from often come from their own prejudices."
"The twin barriers of ego and blind spots are the fatal flaws that prevent those who are intelligent and hardworking from realising their potential in life."
"Understanding reality, accepting it and dealing with it is both pragmatic and wonderful. Becoming a super realistic person has taught me to appreciate the beauty of all realities, including the harsh ones, and to come to despise unrealistic idealism."
Did you notice that all these quotes from Dalio actually express the same thing, which is to overcome subjective prejudices and recognise reality?
And how do you do this? Dalio has established a very unique culture for Bridgewater, called "extreme truth-seeking" and "extreme transparency". This means that we say what we want to say, we say what we want to say, and we don't allow private discussions or backbiting. So how can this be done? Well, there is an app that Bridgewater uses internally, called dot collector, which you can think of as Bridgewater's version of 'public review'.
Whenever there is a meeting at Bridgewater, everyone has an iPad and opens it to comment on each other's ideas in real time, scoring them on dozens of dimensions, giving them a positive or negative rating, and adding a short text comment. All scores and reviews are displayed in real time.
And it's not just in meetings - anyone within Bridgewater can rate and comment on any colleague's opinion or performance at any time. So every Bridgewater employee is a "walking restaurant", full of reviews, and Bridgewater's CIO is said to have received as many as 11,000 reviews, which would have broken anyone's nerves.
What's more, the point collector is not only an information-gathering tool, it is also an artificial intelligence program. It analyses the data in real time, looking at what people are thinking, how they are making judgements and giving advice to each person. In other words, while you are 'critiquing' others, the AI is also 'critiquing' you.
In short, at Bridgewater, everyone is being "critiqued" at all times, and must be critiqued by the AI at all times.
Imagine what it would be like to work at a company like this. It is said that 1 in 4 newcomers leave because they are unable to adapt to the odd corporate culture. You see, to understand the values of a company, it is important to look not at why the employees of this company joined, but why they left.
And here's another little story. What happens when Bridgewater has an employee who makes an operational error that results in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars? Rae Dalio's first reaction was not to overreact to the incident, why? Because overreacting would only cause those around him to try to cover up the mistake.
How did Rae Dalio handle it? He made a management tool at Bridgewater - a 'mistake diary' - where if you make a mistake, you write it down in the mistake diary and you're fine; if you try to cover it up and pretend it didn't happen, then you're bound to be fine. So Bridgewater's principle for dealing with mistakes is in three steps: step one, all mistakes must be recorded; step two, everyone works together to analyse the root cause of the failure; step three, solve it patiently.
My feeling is that it is clear from both Dalio's golden words and Bridgewater's culture that Dalio is a master of insight into human nature. And management, in the end, is about managing human nature.
那怎么做到这一点呢?达利欧为桥水公司确立了一种非常独特的公司文化,叫做“极度求真”和“极度透明”。意思是,有话当面说,有想法当面提,不允许私下议论、背后嚼舌根。那么,如何才能做到这一点呢?这就要说到桥水公司内部使用的一款APP,叫做集点器(dot collector),你可以把它看做桥水版的“大众点评”。

