16.《财富的起源》The Origin of Wealth

16.《财富的起源》The Origin of Wealth


The book we are talking about today is called The Origin of Wealth, a classic study in the field of complex economics, written by Professor Bainhoek of Oxford University in the UK. It is a classic work in the field of complex economics, written by Professor Bainhoek of Oxford University in the UK. Such a great book is almost out of reach for our Chinese readers. Today, let's talk about the story behind this book.
 In 2018, when Jane Learning was planning Brian Arthur's Complex Economics, he visited Arthur's personal website, which had a quote that struck him. The quote translates as: the economic field is undergoing the most profound change in over a hundred years. And this quote, not from Arthur himself, but from another book that Arthur quoted from, is The Origin of Wealth.
 Jane learnt to look at the English table of contents of this book on the Internet, and felt that it was a good book for systematic discussion of new ideas in economics. But he was puzzled by the delay in bringing such a book to China. Was it possible to buy the rights to this book? It turned out that other publishers had considered introducing this selection, but it was too much trouble and had to be abandoned. The copyright agent also strongly advised him to drop the selection.
 By chance, Brian Arthur, the author of Complex Economics, was visiting China, and Jane seized the opportunity to ask Arthur to contact Professor Bainhoek, who, after all, was an old acquaintance of the Santa Fe Institute, and whose research was on the subject of "complex economics". Jane then sent a message to Bainhoek on Twitter, expressing her strong desire to introduce the book. A few weeks later, Bainhoek sent Jane the good news that he had personally asked for and facilitated the introduction of Chinese rights.
 See, wasn't that a close call? Had it not been for Jane's attention and Arthur's visit to China, we Chinese readers would have missed out on this great book.

