Linguaphone 12.2.4 a long distance call

Linguaphone 12.2.4 a long distance call


A long-distance call
Operator: Number please.
Mr. Hunt: I want to make a long-distance call to Sussex. I want to speak to Mrs. Blake.
Operator: What’s the number, please?
Mr. Hunt: Mountbay 261.
Operator: Thank you. What’s your number, please?
Mr. Hunt: 090-4020.
Operator: Trying to connect you. You’re through. 
Mrs. Blake: Hello, Mountbay 261.
Mr. Hunt: Hello, Clare. This is Guy Hunt.
Mrs. Blake: Oh hello, Guy. How are you?
Mr. Hunt: Fine, thanks. I’ve booked a table for Monday night.
Mrs. Blake: Oh? Which club?
Mr. Hunt: Sam’s Place.
Mrs. Blake: Good … When are you going to visit us?
Mr. Hunt: May we come on Saturday, the fourth of July? I’m going to hire a car and we’re going to drive there.
Mrs. Blake: What time are you going to come?
Mr. Hunt: Is ten thirty in the morning all right?
Mrs. Blake: Fine. 
Mr. Hunt: May we bring a friend?
Mrs. Blake: Of course you may.

