Linguaphone 13.2.3 the garage

Linguaphone 13.2.3 the garage


The garage
Attendant: Can I help you?
Mr. Hunt: Yes, I need some petrol and the girls want to use the ladies’. Where is it?
Attendant: The toilets are there. They can pick up the key in the office. What kind of petrol, sir?
Mr. Hunt: I’m not sure. I don’t need the most expensive kind you sell. 
Attendant: This one’s not as expensive as the highest grade we sell. It’s medium. You can’t use the cheapest petrol in this car.
Mr. Hunt: Four gallons of that one then.
Attendant: Do you need oil?
Mr. Hunt: I’m not sure. Would you mind checking the oil, water and tyres?
Attendant: That’s one pound thirty, sir.
Mr. Hunt: Have you checked the oil, water and tyres?
Attendant: Yes, the oil's fine. The radiator's full. And I put a little air in the rear tyres.
Mr. Hunt: Thank you.
Mrs. Hunt: Please drive slowly, Guy. We've got lots of time.
Mr. Hunt: What time is it now?
Mrs. Hunt: Five past ten. We're going to arrive between twenty-five past ten and twenty-five to eleven.
Mr. Hunt: Perfect.

