Linguaphone 13.2.1 crowded roads

Linguaphone 13.2.1 crowded roads


Part 2
Crowded roads 
Mrs. Hunt: What time is it?
Mr. Hunt: A quarter to nine.
Mrs. Hunt: And how far have we got to drive?
Mr. Hunt: About seventy miles.
Mrs. Hunt: The traffic’s not very heavy. We’re not going to be late.
Mr. Hunt: Yes but we’ve got to hurry. The traffic’s going to be heavier soon.
Mrs. Hunt: Why?
Mr. Hunt: Because today’s Saturday. The roads are going to be very crowded.
Mrs. Hunt: Are they going to be as crowded as the Swiss roads?
Mr. Hunt: Oh yes. Some of them are going to be more crowded. The heaviest traffic’s going to be on the A22.
Mrs. Hunt: Well, remember …
Mr. Hunt: Yes, I know. I’ve got to be careful and I’ve got drive slowly. Don’t worry. I always drive carefully.

