Linguaphone 14.2.3 a walk on the beach

Linguaphone 14.2.3 a walk on the beach


A walk on the beach
Mr. Blake: Would you like to go for a swim?
Mrs. Blake: I can’t go. I’ve got to make the lunch.
Mrs. Hunt: Why don’t you all go for a swim? I’m going to help Clare.
Mr. Blake: You haven’t got to help Clare. She’s done most of the work.
Mrs. Hunt: I’d like to stay here.
Mr. Blake: Well … why don’t we go, Guy? What time have we got to come back?
Mrs. Blake: About one. 
Mr. Hunt: What a beautiful place you’ve got here, Mike.
Mr. Blake: Thank you. We like it very much. It was terribly hot here last week. We had a picnic on the beach every evening. Yesterday the children had a party on the beach after dinner. They were in the water all the time.
Mr. Hunt: Can they swim well?
Mr. Blake: Yes, they can … very well. Would Simon and Jane like to spend next weekend here?
Mr. Hunt: I’m sure they’d love to. Sarah and I’ve got to go to Cambridge next weekend.

