Linguaphone 14.2.1 Saturday traffic

Linguaphone 14.2.1 Saturday traffic


Saturday traffic
Mr. Hunt: This might be the house they live in. 
Simon: No, Dad, that isn’t their house. There’s the house they live in. Look! There’s Mr. Blake.
Mr. Hunt: Hello, Mike. How are  you?
Mr. Blake: Fine … and you?
Mr. Hunt: Not too bad. 
Simon: Where’s Ian? 
Mr. Blake: He was in the garage a minute ago, but he might be in the house now. Would you like to go in?
Mrs. Hunt: Where’s Clare?
Mr. Blake: She was here a minute ago. Here she is.
Mr. Hunt: Hello, Clare.
Mrs. Blake: Hello. Did you have a good journey?
Mr. Hunt: Yes, we had a very good one.
Mrs. Blake: What was the traffic like?
Mr. Hunt: It wasn’t too bad.
Mrs. Blake: You were lucky. It’s usually very bad at weekends.

