180 make a meal of this 其实和做饭没有半毛钱关系,不信你听!

180 make a meal of this 其实和做饭没有半毛钱关系,不信你听!

Very slowly, he pulls down my sweatpants. Oh, how demeaning is this, demeaning and scary and hot. He’s making such a meal of this. My heart is in my mouth. I can barely breathe. Shit, is this going to hurt?He places his hand on my naked behind, softly fondling me, stroking round and round with his flat palm. And then his hand is no longer there… and he hits me – hard. Ow! My eyes spring open in response to the pain, and I try to rise, but his hand moves between my shoulder blades keeping me down. He caresses me again where he’s hit me, and his breathing’s changed – it’s louder, harsher. He hits me again and again, quickly in succession. Holy fuck it hurts. I make no sound, my face screwed up against the pain. I try and wriggle away from the blows – spurred on by adrenaline spiking and coursing through my body. “Keep still,” he growls. “Or I’ll spank you for longer.”(1)Demeaning: demean: to cause someone to become less respected e.g.: The entire family was demeaned by his behavior. / I wouldn't demean myself by asking my parents for money. 自取其辱 (2)Make a meal of something: treat a task or occurrence with more attention or care than necessary, especially for effect. /treat something as more serious than it really is 夸张/夸大严重性/小题大做make a mountain out of a molehill(3)My eyes spring open in response to the pain: spring: 我双眼猛地张开(4)shoulder blades肩胛骨collar bone 锁骨(5)He hits me again and again, quickly in succession:连续不断地, intermittent(6)my face screwed up against the pain: To contort one's facial expression, typically in a display of disgust, annoyance, etc. 表情狰狞 (7)spur on: To urge, encourage, or goad someone onward in some task or activity. E.g.: There were times when she wanted to give up, but her desire to beat her rival in the championship spurred her on. If you do something on the spur of the moment, you do it suddenly, without planning it beforehand. / 心血来潮(8)spiking: To put an end to; terminate: spike a rumor. / If your drink is spiked, someone has added alcohol or drugs to it without telling you.(9)course: If a liquid courses somewhere, it flows quickly. E.g.: The tears coursed down his cheeks. / When you're sitting still, you need less blood coursing through your arteries. / course through: To move or flow through something, especially with great speed or force. E.g.: As soon as I stepped on the stage, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. / The deadly disease coursed through the densely populated city at an alarming rate. /
