173 a fit of pique ,take no prisoners单词全认识,意思呢?

173 a fit of pique ,take no prisoners单词全认识,意思呢?

十几天了,这次是断的最久的,相信以后绝对不会再发生这样的事儿了! 大家一起加油,尽力实现年初的目标!
“Anastasia, that Beetle of yours is old and frankly dangerous. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you when it’s so easy for me to make it right,” he trails off.His eyes are on me, but at the moment I cannot bring myself to look at him. I stand silently staring at its awesome bright red newness.“I mentioned it to your stepfather. He was all for it,” he murmurs. Turning, I glare at him, my mouth opens in horror. “You mentioned this to Ray. How could you?” I can barely spit the words out. How dare he? Poor Ray. I feel sick, mortified for my dad. “It’s a gift, Anastasia. Can’t you just say thank you?”“But you know it’s too much.” “Not to me it isn’t, not for my peace of mind.” I frown at him, at a loss what to say. He just doesn’t get it! He’s had money all his life. Okay, not all his life – not as a small child – and my world-view shifts. The thought is very sobering, and I soften towards the car, feeling guilty about my fit of pique. His intentions are good, misguided, but not from a bad place. “I’m happy for you to loan this to me, like the laptop.”He sighs heavily. “Okay. On loan. Indefinitely.” He looks warily at me. “No, not indefinitely, but for now. Thank you.” He frowns. I reach up and kiss him briefly on his cheek. “Thank you for the car, sir.” I say as sweetly as I can manage.He grabs me suddenly and yanks me up against him, one hand at my back holding me to him and the other fisting in my hair. “You are one challenging woman, Ana Steele.” He kisses me passionately, forcing my lips apart with his tongue, taking no prisoners.
My blood heats immediately, and I’m returning his kiss with my own passion. I want him badly – in spite of the car, the books, the soft limits… the caning… I want him. “It’s taking all my self-control not to F you on the hood of this car right now, just to show you that you are mine, and if I want to buy you a fking car, I’ll buy you a fking car,” he growls. “Now let’s get you inside and naked.” He plants a swift rough kiss on me.
Boy, he’s angry. He grabs my hand and leads me back into the apartment and straight into my bedroom… no passing goes. My subconscious is behind the sofa again, head hidden under her hands. He switches on the sidelight and halts, staring at me.“Please don’t be angry with me,” I whisper. His gaze is impassive; his gray eyes cold shards of smoky glass. “I’m sorry about the car and the books,” I trail off. He remains silent and brooding. “You scare me when you’re angry,” I breathe, staring at him.
(1)I would never forgive myself if something happened to you when it’s so easy for me to make it right:make it right; I have to do it right;
(2)I stand silently staring at its awesome bright red newness.: 我静静地站着,看着那崭新的亮红色车。
(3)I mentioned it to your stepfather. He was all for it: 我告诉过你继父了,他完全同意。
(4)I can barely spit the words out.:spit out: To succeed in saying something, especially with difficulty. Often used in the imperative phrase "spit it out." 说出口;难以启齿
(5)Not to me it isn’t, not for my peace of mind.: 让我安心
(6)at a loss what to say:puzzled or uncertain what to think, say, or do. 不知所措;不知该怎么办
(7)The thought is very sobering:sobering: You say that something is a sobering thought or has a sobering effect when a situation seems serious and makes you become serious and thoughtful. 警醒人的;让人清醒的e.g.: The events of October 1987 had a sobering effect on managers of large funds. Sober-minded 清醒的
(8)I soften towards the car, feeling guilty about my fit of pique: Pique is the feeling of annoyance you have when you think someone has not treated you properly. 愤怒;恼羞成怒/ If someone does something in a fit of pique, they do it suddenly because they are annoyed at being not treated properly. 生气;立马翻脸 e.g.: Lawrence, in a fit of pique, left the Army and took up a career in the City.
(9)my world-view shifts: 世界观都变了
(10)I say as sweetly as I can manage:我已经尽自己最大可能甜美了 I do it as quickly as I can manage
(11)He kisses me passionately, forcing my lips apart with his tongue, taking no prisoners.: to be very determined and not care about other people's feelings when trying to achieve something: 毫不留情的;完全执意要做成的;坚定于自己的目标,别管他人。 e.g.: You will have to fight for what you want and what you believe in and you should assume the attitude that you're taking no prisoners.
(12)He grabs my hand and leads me back into the apartment and straight into my bedroom… no passing goes.no passing goes: 没量费一点时间;一气呵成;没有一点停留 / in passing: If you mention something in passing, you mention it briefly while you are talking or writing about something else. 随便一说;带了一嘴;简单提了一下;顺便说了一下 e.g.: The army is only mentioned in passing. Incidentally and by the way;
(13)I trail off. If a speaker's voice or a speaker trails off or trails away, their voice becomes quieter and they hesitate until they stop speaking completely. 声音渐渐小了;声音慢慢小了 e.g.: 'But he had no reason. He of all men...' Kate's voice trailed off.
(14)He remains silent and brooding: brooding: Brooding is used to describe an atmosphere or feeling that makes you feel anxious or slightly afraid. 令人紧张的;令人害怕的;e.g.: The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them. / If someone's expression or appearance is brooding, they look as if they are thinking deeply and seriously about something, especially something that is making them unhappy.忧思的;幽深的 E.g.: She kissed him and gazed into his dark, brooding eyes. / brood: If someone broods over something, they think about it a lot, seriously and often unhappily. 苦恼;忧思 e.g.: She always broods over her family.
