175 register 和 mirror 做动词时,可以有哪些意思呢?

175 register 和 mirror 做动词时,可以有哪些意思呢?

第175天:“Lift your arms and put them around my head,” he murmurs against my neck. I obey immediately, and my breasts rise and push into his hands, my nipples hardening further. My fingers weave into his hair, and very gently I tug his soft, sexy hair. I roll my head to one side to give him easier access to my neck.“Mmm… ” he murmurs into that space behind my ear, as he starts to extend my nipples with his long fingers, mirroring my hands in his hair. I groan as the sensation registers sharp and clear in my groin.“Shall I make you come this way?” he whispers. I arch my back to force my breasts into his expert hands. “You like this, don’t you, Miss Steele?” “Mmm… ” “Tell me.” He continues the slow sensuous torture, pulling gently.“Yes.” “Yes, what.” “Yes… Sir.” “Good girl.” He pinches me hard, and my body writhes convulsively against his front. I gasp at the exquisite, acute, pleasure/pain. I feel him against me. I moan and my hands clench in his hair pulling harder. “I don’t think you’re ready to come yet,” he whispers, stilling his hands, and he gently bites my earlobe and tugs at it. “Besides, you have displeased me.” Oh… no, what will this mean? My brain registers through the fog of needy desire as I groan.“So perhaps I won’t let you come after all.” He returns the attention of his fingers to my nipples, pulling, twisting, kneading. I grind my behind against him… moving side to side.I feel his grin against my neck as his hands move down to my hips. His fingers hook into my panties at the back, stretching them, and he pushes his thumbs through the material, shredding them and tossing them in front of me so I can see… holy shit. His hands move down to my sex… and from behind, he slowly inserts his finger.“Oh, yes. My sweet girl is all ready,” he breathes as he whirls me round so I’m facing him. His breathing has quickened. He puts his finger in his mouth. “You taste so fine, Miss Steele.” He sighs. “Undress me,” he commands quietly, staring down at me, eyes hooded.All I’m wearing is my shoes, well, Kate’s high-heeled pumps. I’m taken aback. I’ve never undressed a man.“You can do it,” he cajoles softly. Oh my. I blink rapidly. Where to start? I reach for his t-shirt, and he grabs my hands and shakes his head, smiling slyly at me. “Oh no.” He shakes his head, grinning. “Not the t-shirt, you may need to touch me for what I have planned.” His eyes are alive with excitement. Oh… this is news… I can touch with clothes. He takes one of my hands and places it against his erection.“This is the effect you have on me, Miss Steele.” I gasp and flex my fingers around his girth, and he grins. “I want to be inside you. Take my jeans off. You’re in charge.” Holy fk… me in charge. My mouth drops open.“What are you going to do with me?” he teases. Oh the possibilities… my inner goddess roars, and from somewhere born of frustration, need, and sheer Steele bravery, I push him on to the bed. He laughs as he falls, and I gaze down at him feeling victorious. My inner goddess is going to explode. I yank off his shoes, quickly, clumsily, and his socks. He’s staring up at me, his eyes luminous with amusement and desire. He looks… glorious… mine. I crawl up the bed and sit astride him to undo his jeans, sliding my fingers under the waistband, feeling the hair in his oh so happy trail. He closes his eyes and flexes his hips. (1)I roll my head to one side to give him easier access to my neck. 我把头转向一边,这样他就可以更容易够到我的脖子。
(2)he murmurs into that space behind my ear:耳背后
(3)as he starts to extend my nipples with his long fingers, mirroring my hands in his hair.:mirror 学某人的动作If something mirrors something else, it has similar features to it, and therefore seems like a copy or representation of it. e.g.: The book mirrors my own interests and experiences.
(4)I groan as the sensation registers sharp and clear in my groin: register: If you register your feelings or opinions about something, you do something that makes them clear to other people. 表达;表示 e.g.: Workers stopped work to register their protest. / If a feeling registers on someone's face, their expression shows clearly that they have that feeling. 显示(表情;情绪)e.g.: Surprise again registered on Rodney's face. / If a piece of information does not register or if you do not register it, you do not really pay attention to it, and so you do not remember it or react to it. 没注意;没记住;没在意e.g.: What I said sometimes didn't register in her brain.; The sound was so familiar that she didn't register it.
(5)He pinches me hard, and my body writhes convulsively against his front.: writhe: If you writhe, your body twists and turns violently backwards and forwards, usually because you are in great pain or discomfort. 扭动;翻滚 e.g.: The shark was writhing around wildly, trying to get free.
(6)My brain registers through the fog of needy desire as I groan: the fog of: You can use fog to refer to a situation which stops people from being able to notice things, understand things, or think clearly. 谜团;迷惑 e.g.: The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology.
(7)So perhaps I won’t let you come after all:after all: despite earlier problems or doubts: e.g.: The rain has stopped, so the game will go ahead after all. 最终 I’m sorry, but we’ve decided not to come after all.
(8)he breathes as he whirls me round so I’m facing him.: 面对着他
(9)Kate’s high-heeled pumps.:pump or high heel: The difference between pumps and stilettos is in their heel size. Pumps are usually closed-toe or peep-toe with a heel of 1 inch or less. Stilettos on the other hand can be with straps or covered but would definitely have a thin long heel of 1 inch or more.
(10)Girth: The girth of something is the distance around its middle, and it usually refers to a person's waist. One can measure the girth — diameter of the mid-section — of an airplane, tree trunk, or anything cylindrical, but it most often describes a large human waist. 腰部,中间最粗的部分
(11)You’re in charge 你说了算。
(12)I gaze down at him feeling victorious:获胜的感觉
(13)his eyes luminous with amusement and desire.:be luminous with: lit/lighted with:
