178 拾起重来的勇气

178 拾起重来的勇气


“If you imagine for one minute that I think you ceded control to me, well you haven’t taken into account my GPA.” I smile shyly at him. “But thank you for the illusion.”“Miss Steele, you are not just a pretty face. You’ve had six orgasms so far and all of them belong to me,” he boasts, playful again. I flush and blink at the same time, as he stares down at me. He’s keeping count! His brow furrows. “Do you have something to tell me?” his voice is suddenly stern.I frown. Crap. “I had a dream this morning.” “Oh?” He glares at me. Double crap. Am I in trouble? “I came in my sleep.” I throw my arm over my eyes. He says nothing. I peek up at him from under my arm, and he looks amused.“In your sleep?” “Woke me up.” “I’m sure it did. What were you dreaming about?” Crap. “You.” “What was I doing?” I throw my arm over my eyes again. And like a small child, I briefly entertain the thought that if I can’t see him, then he can’t see me. “Anastasia, what was I doing? I won’t ask you again.” “You had a riding crop.”He moves my arm. “Really?” “Yes.” I am crimson. “There’s hope for you yet,” he murmurs. “I have several riding crops.” “Brown plaited leather?” He laughs. “No, but I’m sure I could get one.” His gray eyes blaze with excitement. Leaning down, he gives me a brief kiss then stands and grabs his boxers, oh no… he’s going. I glance quickly at the time – it’s only nine-forty. I scoot out of bed too and grab my sweat pants and a cami top, then sit back on the bed, cross-legged, watching him. I don’t want him to go. What can I do?“When is your period due?” He interrupts my thoughts. What! “I hate wearing these things,” he grumbles. He holds up the condom, then puts it on the floor, and slips on his jeans. “Well?” he prompts when I don’t reply, and he looks at me expectantly as if he’s waiting for my opinion on the weather. Holy crap… this is personal stuff.“Next week.” I stare down at my hands. “You need to sort out some contraception.” He is so bossy. I stare at him blankly. He sits back on the bed as he puts on his shoes and socks. “Do you have a doctor?” I shake my head. We are back to mergers and acquisitions – another 180-degree mood swing.He frowns. “I can have mine come and see you at your apartment – Sunday morning before you come and see me. Or he can see you at my place. Which would you prefer?” No pressure then. Something else that he’s paying for… but actually this is for his benefit. “Your place.” That means I am guaranteed to see him Sunday.“Okay. I’ll let you know the time.” “Are you leaving?” Don’t go… stay with me please. “Yes.” Why?“How are you getting back?” I whisper. “Taylor will pick me up.” “I can drive you. I have a lovely new car.”He gazes at me, his expression warm. “That’s more like it. But I think you’ve had too much to drive.” “Did you get me tipsy on purpose?” “Yes.” “Why?” “Because you over-think everything, and you’re reticent like your stepdad. A drop of wine in you and you start talking, and I need you to communicate honestly with me. Otherwise you clam up, and I have no idea what you’re thinking. In vino veritas, Anastasia.”
“And you think you’re always honest with me?” “I endeavor to be.” He looks down at me warily. “This will only work if we’re honest with each other.” “I’d like you to stay and use this.” I hold up the second condom.He smiles and his eyes glow with humor. “Anastasia, I have crossed so many lines here tonight. I have to go. I’ll see you on Sunday. I’ll have the revised contract ready for you, and then we can really start to play.”“Play?” Holy shit. My heart leaps into my mouth. “I’d like to do a scene with you. But I won’t until you’ve signed, so I know you’re ready.” “Oh. So I could stretch this out, if I don’t sign?”
He gazes at me assessing, and then his lips twitch into a smile. “Well, I suppose you could, but I may crack under the strain.” “Crack? How?” My inner goddess has woken and is paying attention. He nods slowly, and then he grins, teasing. “Could get really ugly.” His grin is infectious. “Ugly, how?” “Oh you know, explosions, car chases, kidnapping, incarceration.”
(1)ceded control to: cede: If someone in a position of authority cedes land or power to someone else, they let them have the land or power, often as a result of military or political pressure. 放弃;投降 ceded control to me: 让我控制你
(2) He’s keeping count:他尽然一直在数着。
(3) I throw my arm over my eyes:把胳膊搭在眼睛上
(4)I briefly entertain the thought that if I can’t see him, then he can’t see me.:entertain: If a performer, performance, or activity entertains you, it amuses you, interests you, or gives you pleasure. 使高兴/If you entertain people, you provide food and drink for them, for example when you have invited them to your house. 在家招待/款待/If you entertain an idea or suggestion, you allow yourself to consider it as possible or as worth thinking about seriously. 考虑某个想法/思考某个想法
(5)I am crimson:blush flush turn red/pink
(6)When is your period due: 你例假什么时候来?due : 1. 到期的 This bill is due next week; 2. 应该的;应得的 finally she got the recognition she was due 3. 合适的;恰当的according to accepted notions or procedures : all due respect 4. Satisfying or capable of satisfying a need, obligation, or duty= adequate give the matter due attention; 5. Required or expected in the prescribed, normal, or logical course of event按计划的,到时间的: the train is due at noon; 6. Expected to give birth: she has a friend who is due in April. 6. Dues are sums of money that you give regularly to an organization that you belong to, for example a social club or trade union, in order to pay for being a member. 会费
(7)You should sort out some contraception: sort out: 1. To separate from others: sort out the books to be donated he library; 2. Clarify or resolve: she tried to sort out her problems; 3. To bring or restore to health or good condition: a good night’s sleep will sort You out; 4. To reprimand or punish (someone) for a mistake or offense.
(8)another 180-degree mood swing: 180
(9)you’re reticent like your stepdad: reticent: unwilling to speak; reserved; taciturn; uncommunicative; Inclined to keep one’s thoughts feelings and personal affairs to oneself;
(10)In vino veritas: 酒后吐真言 in vino veritas :Latin (ɪn ˈviːnəʊ ˈvɛrɪˌtæs)
(11)I have crossed so many lines here tonight: cross the line: 1. Of an action, to cross some threshold into unacceptable or inappropriate behavior: e.g.: speaking so rudely to your teacher definitely crosses the line; 2. To misbehave or do something unacceptable or inappropriate 做了一些不合时宜的事
(12) I’ll have something ready for you我会把东西都准备好的
(13)do a scene with you: do/make a scene: to create a loud typically angry disturbance or display in public, such that it draws attention to those involved 大闹一场;故意在公共场合搞事情 e.g.: When John found a fly in his drink, he started to create a scene.
(14)I could stretch this out: a reduction in the delivery rate specified for a program without a reduction in the total quantity to be delivered. 减速不减量;延长时间(签字/交付)I can stretch the immunizing timescales out.
(15)Crack: 1. To break without complete separation of parts: the mirror cracked; 2. To make a sharp snapping sound His knees cracked as the sat down; 3. To beak down or fail: the defendant’s composure finally began to crack; 4. To have a mental or physical breakdown 心态崩溃;身体垮掉 crack under the pressure/strain
(16)Incarceration: incarcerate:监禁 imprison
  • Natalie水子


    吃花生要长胖 回复 @Natalie水子: Thanks a lot. I'll catch up from where I stopped soon for you and also for my growth. Many thanks and many kisses.

  • Leekachou
