"gym rat"可不是"健身房老鼠"啦! 吓得我连退三步!

"gym rat"可不是"健身房老鼠"啦! 吓得我连退三步!


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� Dialogue 01
A: Hi, Tina. You seem really energetic today, even more so than usual.
B: Thanks. I joined a gym and go there all the time now. I'm a real fitness freak.
A: 嗨,缇娜。你今天看起来真的好有活力,甚至比平时更有活力呢。
B: 谢谢。我报名参加了一个健身房,现在经常去那里。我现在可真是个健身控了。

� Dialogue 02
A: Wow, David. You look so buff!
B: Thanks, Lisa. I've been hitting the gym every day for about six months now. You know what? Fitness can be really addictive!
A: Awesome! You're such a gym rat! I really want to get in shape too.
B: Well, I'm not a personal trainer, but I could show you the ropes sometime, if you want.
A: 哇,大卫。你看起来好健壮啊!
B: 谢谢丽莎。六个月来,我每天都去健身房。你知道吗?健身真的会让人上瘾!
A: 太牛了!你真是个健身狂!我也很想像你一样减肥塑身。
B: 嗯,我不是私教,但如果你愿意的话,改天我可以给你一些指导。

    fitness freak
    fitness [ˈfɪtnɪs] n. 健身,健康
    fitness center 健身房,健身中心
    freak [frik] n. 狂热爱好者
    gym rat
    gym [dʒɪm] n. 健身房,体育馆
    rat [ræt] n. 大老鼠
    I'm a real fitness freak. 
    You're such a gym rat! 
energetic [ˌenərˈdʒetɪk] adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的
    You seem really energetic today, even more so than usual. 
buff [bʌf] adj. 健壮的,肌肉发达的
    You look so buff! 
gym [dʒɪm] n. 健身房
    hit the gym 去健身房
    I've been hitting the gym every day for about six months now. 
    → 现在完成进行时:从过去到现在,一直在持续的行为
addictive [əˈdɪktɪv] adj. 上瘾的
    Fitness can be really addictive! 
rope [roʊp] n. 绳子,门道
    show someone the ropes 给某人指点门道
    I'm not a personal trainer, but I could show you the ropes sometime, if you want. 
    personal trainer 私人教练
    sometime [ˈsʌmˌtaɪm] adv. 改天,来日

Hi, Tina. You seem really energetic today, even more so than usual.

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  • 暗香幽逸XTT

    Hi, Tina. You seem really energetic today, even more so than usual.

  • 酥蛰童鞋

    Hi,Tina.You seem really energetic today, even more so than usual.