"啤酒肚"、"腰间赘肉"的英文竟然都这么可爱? !

"啤酒肚"、"腰间赘肉"的英文竟然都这么可爱? !


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� Dialogue 01
A: David, I've gained a lot of weight in the months I've been working from home.
B: Me too, I'm starting to develop some love handles, I really can't go on like this!
A: 大卫,居家办公的几个月以来,我胖了好多啊。
B: 我也是,我开始长出腰间赘肉了,我真的不能再这样下去了!

� Dialogue 02
A: David, long time no see. Look at me, packed on a few pounds over the holiday!
B: So did I. I've actually been trying to lose this spare tire myself! All this drinking is giving me a beer belly!
A: Hey! Why don't we start exercising and keep an eye on each other? It's easier to stick to a regimen with a partner.
B: Great! Let's double diet!
A: 大卫,好久不见。看看我,过了个假期,又胖了几磅!
B: 我也是,我也一直在试着把这个游泳圈减掉!最近喝酒太多了,都喝出啤酒肚了!
A: 嘿!我们为什么不开始锻炼,并且互相监督呢?有个伴儿一起坚持锻炼养生会更容易一些。
B: 好啊!让我们一起节食吧!

gain weight 长胖,胖了
    lose weight 减肥
    pack on a few pounds 长肉了,胖了
    pack [pæk] v. 打包,包装
    I've gained a lot of weight in the months I've been working from home. 
    gain a lot of weight 胖了好多
    work from home 居家办公
    现在完成时: 过去的动作或状态持续到现在已经完成
    Look at me, packed on a few pounds over the holiday! 
love handles 腰间赘肉
    handle [ˈhændl] n. 把手,手柄
    spare tire 备用轮胎,游泳圈
    beer belly 啤酒肚
    develop some love handles 长出腰间赘肉
    lose this spare tire 减掉游泳圈
    All this drinking is giving me a beer belly! 
keep an eye on sth. 照看,留意,密切注视
    keep an eye on each other 互相监督
stick to sth. / stick to doing sth. 
    坚持某事 / 坚持做某事
    regimen [ˈrɛdʒəmən] n. 养生法
    It's easier to stick to a regimen with a partner. 
Let's double diet! 
    double diet 双重节食,一起节食养生

David, long time no see. Look at me, packed on a few pounds over the holiday!

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  • 暗香幽逸XTT

    David, long time no see. Look at me, packed on a few pounds over the holiday.

  • 听友372903171
