


E13 Nick看穿了Judy的恐惧


Judy appeared in front of Nick, her face burning with anger. “I stood up for you. And you lied to me! You liar!” she yelled.

朱迪出现在尼克面前,脸上怒火冲天。“我之前还维护你, 而你却对我撒谎!你这个骗子!”她尖声叫道。

“It’s called a hustle, sweetheart,” said Nick coolly.


“And I’m not the liar, he is.” Nick pointed behind Judy.


She turned but saw no one standing there. When she whipped back around, Nick was gone!


Then she spotted his tail disappearing behind a corner.


“Hey,” she said, hurrying to catch up as Nick strolled along. “All right, slick Nick, you’re under arrest.”



“Really, for what?”


“Gee, I don’t know. How about selling food without a permit, transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines, false advertising—”

“呃,我不知道。你觉得这些理由怎么样 :未经许可贩卖食品,跨区运输未申报的商品,虚假广告——”

 “Permit.” Nick smiled as he showed Judy the document.


“Receipt of declared commerce.” He showed her a receipt. “


“And I did not falsely advertise anything. Take care.”


“You told that mouse the pawpsicle sticks were redwood,” Judy said.


“That’s right,” said Nick smugly. “Red. Wood. With a space in the middle. Wood that is red. You can’t touch me, Carrots. I’ve been doing this since I was born.”


“You’re gonna want to refrain from calling me Carrots.”


“My bad,” said Nick. “I just naturally assumed you came from some little carrot-choked Podunk, no?”


“Ah, no,” Judy replied, as if to say “obviously not.”


“Podunk is in Deerbrooke County. I grew up in Bunnyburrow.”


“Okay. Tell me if this story sounds familiar.” Nick’s tone changed as he began to talk quickly and boldly.

“好吧。听听这个故事是不是很熟悉。”尼克的语速加快, 言辞激烈,语气也变了。

“Naïve little hick with good grades and big ideas decides, ‘Hey, look at me, I’m gonna move to Zootopia, where predators and prey live in harmony and sing “Kumbaya”!’

“天真的乡下小姑娘,学习成绩优秀, 胸怀远大抱负,下定决心说,‘嘿,看看我,我要搬去动物城了;在那里,食肉动物与猎物和睦相处,共唱圣歌!’

 Only to find—whoopsie, we don’t all get along. And that dream of being a big- city cop? Double whoopsie! She’s a meter maid.

结果却发现—— 糟糕,不是所有人都相处得那么融洽。那个想去大城市当警察 的梦想怎么样了呢?又糟了!她只是个处理违章停车的女交警。

And whoopsie number threesie, no one cares about her or her dreams. Soon enough those dreams die and our bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor, living in a box under a bridge.

更糟糕的是,谁也不在乎她和她的梦想。很快,那些美梦就会破灭,而我们的小兔子就会沦落到道德败坏、生活悲惨的境地, 只能住在大桥底下的纸箱里。

Until, finally, she has no choice but to go back home with that cute fuzzy wuzzy tail between her legs to become—You’re from Bunnyburrow? So let’s say a carrot farmer? Sound about right?”

直到最终,她走投无路,只得拖 着那条毛茸茸的、可爱的尾巴,灰溜溜地卷铺盖回家,去当—— 你来自兔窝镇?那么比如说去当种胡萝卜的菜农?听上去合情合理吧?”

Judy stood speechless.


She couldn’t believe Nick had figured out her fears so quickly.


A passing rhino almost pushed her down, knocking her out of her thoughts.

一头犀牛从旁边经过,差一点把她推倒, 将她从思绪中拉了回来。


1.hustle n. 非法兜售(北美地区)

2.spot v. 认出,注意到或者发现

I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.


I soon spotted the differences between the two pictures.


3.permit n. 许可证

residence permit 居住许可证

parking permit 停车许可证

4.refrain v. 克制或者避免

Please refrain from smoking. 请勿吸烟。


1.stand up for支持、拥护某人或者某个观点。

stand up for our rights 维护我们的权利

stand up for ourselves 保护我们自己

We stood up for what we believed to be right.


2.catch up 追上,赶上

I stopped and waited for him to catch up. 我停下来等他赶上来。

We have been racing to catch up with other developed countries. 我们一直在努力追赶其他发达国家。

3.under arrest 被逮捕

You’re under arrest!” 某某人,你被捕了。

4.sound familiar 听着耳熟

This song sounds familiar. 某首歌听起来耳熟。

This name sounds familiar. 某个人名听起来耳熟。

5.Have no choice but to do sth 走投无路或者别无他法只能

I have no choice but to accept your advice. 我也没别的选择,只能接受你的建议。

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    I like it very much