E12【纯英朗读】They are liars!

E12【纯英朗读】They are liars!


E12 They are liars!

A little while later, Judy was writing parking tickets in Sahara Square when she noticed Nick and his kid a few blocks away. “Oh! Hey, little toot-toot!” she called, waving, but they didn’t see her.

She started toward them but stopped suddenly when she realized what they were doing.

They were melting the giant Jumbo-pop she had bought for them in the hot sun. Then they were the juice into little jugs.

Judy furrowed her brow as she watched Nick and his kid packing the full jugs into the back of a van.

Her eyes nearly fell out of her head when she saw Nick’s little son get into the driver’s seat! Then they drove off. Judy was shocked and confused.

She hopped in her cart and followed them to the coldest section of Zootopia—Tundratown.

Nick’s son was using his little paws to make molds in the snow, which Nick then put sticks in.

Then the two poured the juice from the melted Jumbo- pop into the molds to create dozens of smaller pops!

Judy looked on, scandalized. She couldn’t believe it!

Judy followed them again, this time to Savanna Central, where they set up a stand and sold “pawpsicles” at marked-up prices to lemmings.

“Pawpsicles! Get your pawpsicles!” barked Nick.

One lemming bought an icy treat, and then the rest of them followed. In an instant, the frozen desserts were completely sold out!

Once the lemmings finished their pawpsicles, they threw the sticks into a recycling bin.

When the lemmings were gone, a small door opened in the bin and the little fox—who, Judy realized, was not an adorable toddler but a fully grown Fennec fox named Finnick— stepped out with a bundle of used pawpsicle sticks.

Judy was having trouble believing her eyes.

She continued to follow Nick and Finnick to Little Rodentia, where Nick plopped down the bundle of used sticks in front of a mouse construction worker and shouted, “Lumber delivery!”

“What’s with the color?” asked the construction worker.

“The color? It’s red wood,” answered Nick, shrugging off the question as he accepted his payment.

The construction workers hauled the sticks away, and Judy watched in awe as Nick handed Finnick his share of the cash.

“Thirty-nine...forty. There you go. Way to work that diaper, big guy. What, no kiss bye-bye for Daddy?” Nick asked jokingly.

“You kiss me tomorrow, I’ll bite your face off,” said Finnick in a deep voice. “Ciao.” Finnick hopped into his van and drove off, blaring loud rap music.

  • 蕾蕾ii
  • 猫鱼YI7


  • 赞你最好


  • chocolam033

    good player