E14【纯英朗读】Sad Judy went home alone

E14【纯英朗读】Sad Judy went home alone


E14 Sad Judy went home alone

“Be careful now,” warned Nick. “Or it won’t just be your dreams getting crushed.”

“Hey, hey!” she said, trying to pull herself together. “No one tells me what I can or can’t be! Especially not some jerk who never had the guts to try and be anything more than a pawpsicle hustler.”

“All right, look, everyone comes to Zootopia thinking they can be anything they want. Well, you can’t. You can only be what you are.” He pointed to himself. “Sly fox.” Then he pointed to her. “Dumb bunny.”

“I am not a dumb bunny.”

“Right. And that’s not wet cement.”

Judy looked down to see that she was ankle- deep in gooey wet cement. She sighed in dismay.

“You’ll never be a real cop,” Nick said obnoxiously.

“You’re a cute meter maid, though. Maybe a supervisor one day. Hang in there.”

Frustrated, Judy watched as Nick walked off. Then she set about pulling her paws out of the cement.

Shhhk! Shhhk! Judy dragged her cement-covered paws across the welcome mat outside her apartment before going in. A sad song filled the air when she turned on the radio. She switched stations. It was another sad song. And that was how her day was going. After listening to a few depressing songs, she dragged her feet over to the kitchen and popped in a Carrots for One microwave dinner.

Beep Beep! Once it was done, she peeled open the cover, revealing a single shriveled carrot. With her ears drooping, Judy sat down at her small table and ate her dinner alone.

Brrring! Brrring! Judy’s cell phone rang. It was her parents calling for a video chat. She shook her head, sighed, and forced a smile before answering. “Oh, hey! It’s my parents...,” she said, trying to sound upbeat.

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