E29【纯英朗读】Judy had saved Nick's life

E29【纯英朗读】Judy had saved Nick's life


E29 Judy had saved Nick’s life

Nick and Judy ran for their lives as Manchas chased them.

“What is wrong with him?” shouted Nick.

“I don’t know!”

They ran across a slippery suspension bridge with Manchas close behind.

Nick stopped.

“We’re not gonna make it!”

“Jump!” Judy yelled.

They leapt off the bridge and landed on a low branch.

Then they ducked into a hollow log, trying to hide, but Manchas continued to stalk them.

Judy frantically picked up her police radio.

“Officer Hopps to dispatch! Clawhauser, can you hear me?”

Inside the police station, Clawhauser was casually chatting with a coworker as he showed him a video on his phone.

“Have you seen Gazelle’s new video—are you familiar with Gazelle?” Clawhauser asked the coworker, not seeing the red light blinking on his phone.

“Greatest singer of our lifetime—angel with horns. Yeah, you gotta check it out. So good. Do you see who’s beside her right now?” He pointed to the screen, where he was dancing on a stage with Gazelle.

“Wow. You are one hot dancer,” Gazelle’s voice started, finishing with a robotic-type voice, “Benjamin Clawhauser.”

“It’s me!” Clawhauser exclaimed. “Did you think it was real? It looks so real! It’s not—it’s just a new app.” He chuckled. Then he finally noticed his phone and clicked the speaker button. “Hold on—”

“Clawhauser!” Judy’s voice rang out. Manchas, trying to get inside the log, took a swipe at her.

“We have a 10-91! Jaguar gone savage! Vine and Tu- junga!”

“It’s Tu-HUN-ga!” shouted Nick.

Manchas took another swipe at Judy, this time ripping her radio out of her hands. Nick and Judy scrambled out of the log and continued to run.

“Sending back up! Hopps? HOPPS?!” said Clawhauser, hearing the racket on the other end.

Nick and Judy spotted a gondola station.

“There!” Judy yelled. “Head to the skytrams!”

They ran toward the gondolas. Judy darted out of Manchas’s way but slipped and got separated from Nick.

“Get in! Carrots? Carrots!” Nick called, trying to hold on to the gondola. But it pulled away.

“Go!” shouted Judy, struggling to regain her footing on the wet, slippery surface of the bridge.

Nick backed up and Manchas moved toward him, as if stalking his prey.

“Buddy, one predator to another, if I offended you with the tuna thing, I meant no disrespe—”

Nick screamed as Manchas charged at him full speed. A split second before he reached Nick—clank!

Manchas was yanked back by a handcuff on his back paw. Judy had cuffed him to a metal post! Nick couldn’t believe it—Judy had saved his life.

  • 小蘑菇yan