第十三课|校园: 校园美女看过来

第十三课|校园: 校园美女看过来





 校园: 校园美女看过来 






 A: Who is that hot girl over there? She’s got a great bod!  


 B: Hello, that’s my sister!  


 A: I am just saying. 


 B: It’s all right. We are good. 




 1. hot girl 美女  


 2. I am just saying. 我也就说说而已。 






 A: How did Jonathan do with the demo class? 


 B: He seemed very nervous at first, but after he got to know the students a little, he started to let his hair down. 


 A: So he did well?  


 B: I guess so. The students loved the jokes he cracked. 




 1. let one’s hair down 使某人放松   


    e.g. Christmas is the time to let your hair down and be merry with friends and family.  圣诞节是让你放松的日子,和家人朋友好好开心。 


 2. crack jokes  开玩笑  






 “red hair”是什么意思? 





  • 时予栀涵

    思考题  “red hair”是什么意思?  猜想:怒发冲冠么……