Joshua Ogden-Davis 周树华,“不看脸不知道是外国人”的中国通,来自美国得克赛斯州。●畅销书《与老外交朋友》联合作者●曾北京知名公关公司高级总监●曾李阳疯狂英语全国外教总监●曾疯狂英语杂志外箱编辑●线上娱乐教育英语交流名师●双语主持人●跨文化交流专家2010年搬到中国的时候,一句汉语都不会说。通过自学,3年以内已经进入了全中文的工作和生活环境。现在,树华用最流利的中文和英文带你搞定跨文化交流能力和深入了解中西文化差异!
The proficiency of your manderin speaking by you can help me understand the dialogue better so that the lecture provides more colorful content which is the perfect combination of Western and Eastern culture.
Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese
绕口令 Chinese Mandarin tongue twisters
中华阿哥哥 Mandarin A Go-Go-the Sino Hearts
80's Baby S.S.S.-Aviaun
90s00s10s-Will Ren
The proficiency of your manderin speaking by you can help me understand the dialogue better so that the lecture provides more colorful content which is the perfect combination of Western and Eastern culture.