





The Lottery Winner L6

彩票大赢家 L6

When Jason got home, his mother was very excited. 'We saw you on the news last night,' she said. 'With your cheque for five million pounds. You're rich and famous!'(1)(2)


'I'm in trouble, Mum' said Jason. 'Please phone the police. Say, "My son was at home on Saturday afternoon. He watched the football on television." Please.'


'I can't say that,' said his mother. 'It isn't true.'


'Would you like ten thousand pounds?' asked Jason suddenly.(3)


'No,' said Lily Williams. 'I always tell the truth.'


'Twenty thousand,' said Jason.


'Why do you want me to tell a lie to the police?' asked Lily.(4) 'What did you do on Saturday afternoon?' She looked at Jason.'You did something bad. Is that it? And now you want me to tell a lie for you. But I don't tell lies.'


'Thirty thousand!' said Jason. 'Please, Mum! Help me! I slept in a police cell last night, and I was in court this afternoon. Now they're going to send me to the Crown Court. Mum--thirty thousand pounds! Think about it.'


'OK, son,' said Lily Williams slowly. 'For thirty thousand pounds. I think I can tell a lie. But what did you do on Saturday afternoon? Tell me.'


'Nothing,' said Jason. 'I didn't do anything.'


'So why are they sending you to the Crown Court?'


Jason didn't answer, and his mother looked at him. 'And what about your Dad? He was at home on Saturday afternoon. You weren't, and he knows that. What do you want him to say to the police?'


'OK, OK,' said Jason. 'Dad can have thirty thousand pounds too. But not today. My lottery cheque is at the court, and I've only got £2 in my pocket!'


Jason did not sleep well that night.(5) On Wednesday morning at ten o' clock he went to the police station.


'I'm here,' he said.


'You've got a visitor,' said the policeman. 'It's your wife. She wants to see you.'


Jason's mouth opened. 'My wife?' he said. 'But...'


The policeman opened a door and called, 'He's here, Mrs Williams!'




1. excited 激动的; 兴奋的

    exciting 令人激动的; 令人兴奋的

例句:He was excited when he heard the news.

           他听到这个消息的时候, 他很激动。

           The news was very exciting.


2. rich and famous 有钱有名的; 名利双收的

例句:J. K. Rowling became rich and famous after she wrote Harry Potter.

           J.K.罗琳在写完《哈利波特》 之后变得名利双收。

3. Would you like... 礼貌地邀请对方做某事

例句:Would you like a drink?


           Would you like to have dinner?


           Would you like to have a meal?


4. tell a lie 撒谎; 说谎

    tell lies 谎话连篇

例句:He would never tell a lie to anyone.


5. sleep well 睡得好

例句:I had a terrible nightmare, and I didn’t sleep well last night.

           我昨晚做了很糟的噩梦, 我昨晚没有睡好。

  • 果汁鱼yj


    圆妞妞的娘亲 回复 @果汁鱼yj: 吃父母的住父母的,有钱了却跟父母分那么清!比中国的一些啃老更甚!

  • Jay乐


    Ajiuna玖 回复 @Jay乐: 图片评论

  • 樱花烂漫_予心


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    御坂菌 回复 @山河故里101201: 发无关紧要的东西干嘛→_→

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  • 甜鑫派


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