





Les Misérables L9

悲惨世界 L9

Nine years pass. Valjean and Cosette are living in the Rue Plumet in Paris, in a house with a big garden. It is a quiet street and nobody comes there. This pleases Valjean, because he is still afraid of Inspector Javert.


Cosette is now a young woman. She is tall, with golden brown hair. She is beautiful, but there are many beautiful faces in the world. The wonderful thing about Cosette's face is her smile--a slow, warm, gentle smile, like sunlight after rain.


And now we must meet Marius, and his young friend Gavroche. Marius is a student, a young man with many ideas but no money. Paris is full of young men like this. Marius has a grandfather (his father is dead), but he does not talk to him. Their political ideas are very different. At seventeen, he leaves home with 30 francs, his watch, and a small bag of clothes. Now, five years older, he lives with other students, and they talk all night about books and ideas, politics and government, life and death. All students are like this. They live for ideas, and do a little work here and there. When they need to.


Gavroche is a child of the Paris streets. He is eleven or twelve years old, and wears a man's trousers and a woman's shirt (a kind woman gave these clothes to him). He lives on the streets, knows everybody, goes everywhere, and enjoys life. Well, why not? He knows no other life, only this one.


Marius loved walking through the streets and gardens of Paris, and he often walked in the Luxembourg garden. One day in the garden he saw a man with a young girl. The man was about sixty, and the girl, Marius thought, was about seventeen. He did not see her eyes, but he saw her golden brown hair and her slow gentle smile.


He walked past them once, and did not look back. But he came to the Luxembourg the next day, and the day after that, and for the next five days. The man and the girl were always there. He could not stop looking at the girl. He wanted very much to see that smile again.


On the seventh day the girl turned her head and looked at Marius. She looked into his eyes across the garden, and that look went, like a bullet from a gun, into Marius's heart. There were no words, but at once Marius knew and the girl knew. This was love.




1.please (使某人)开心;取悦

例句:She did everything she could to please him.


           She's hard to please. Everything has to be perfect.


2.full of... 充满……

例句:The music papers were full of gossip about the band.


           You're always so full of energy.


3.political adj. 政治的

   politics n. 政治

   politician n. 政治家

4.here and there 到处

例句:Papers were scattered here and there on the floor.


          There were a few books here and there, but apart from that the room was quite bare.


5.go into one's heart 打动某人

例句:You cannot get an immediate answer with a simple "hello", let alone go deep into your lover's heart with one call.


  • 故人梧桐影


    听友211759238 回复 @故人梧桐影: 看得真仔细

  • 嫣菀


  • 圆妞妞的娘亲


    ID忧郁小猫猫 回复 @圆妞妞的娘亲: 安屠生你好

  • 樱花烂漫_予心


    小熊校长 回复 @樱花烂漫_予心: 你要和哪个结婚,你都讲到这了

  • 胆小黄逗


    和平的小白鸽 回复 @胆小黄逗: 不是的,都是悲惨就不会好看了,最后他们两个也是悲惨啊,开头很美,结局很悲惨

  • 元素之灵_海洋之星


    ID忧郁小猫猫 回复 @元素之灵_海洋之星: 据说,祖父是沙威?!?

  • 1803300jggg


  • 伍小叶


  • 嫣菀

    收养珂赛特时我其实有点担心的。 后来想起来这是十八世纪的雨果。不是二十世纪的博纳科夫

  • 爱巧克力冰淇淋
