





Les Misérables L13

悲惨世界 L13

Cosette, dearest. I came to the Rue Plumet, but you were gone already. We cannot marry. I went to my grandfather, and he said no. I have no money, and you have no money. I love you. I can never forget you. The fighting begins here very soon. When I am dead, don't be sad. Our love was beautiful. Marius


He called to Gavroche. 'I want you to take this letter to the Rue de l'Homme-Armé. Can you do that for me?'


'Yes. But not now!' said Gavroche. 'I'm staying here for the fighting. I can shoot too, you know!'


'Gavroche, you're just a boy! We don't want you to die in the fighting. Stay away from the shooting! And this letter is very important to me. It must go now. I want you to put it into Cosette's hands. Please, Gavroche.'


'Oh, very well,' said Gavroche. He took the letter, put it inside his shirt, and ran off into the dark.


When Valjean and Cosette left the house in Rue Plumet, Cosette was very sad. Valjean saw this, but he said nothing. In the Rue de I'Homme-Armé, Cosette stayed in her bedroom. Toussaint took her meals up to her.


In the night Valjean could not sleep. The city was quiet, but for how long? He went outside the house and stood in the street, listening. There were voices in the next street, and then he heard singing. A boy, singing.


Gavroche came up the street, looking at the house numbers. He saw Valjean and stopped.


'Well, young man, what's the news?' said Valjean.


'The news is that I'm hungry,' said Gavroche.


Valjean put his hand in his pocket and found a five-franc piece. Gavroche stared at it. He didn't see many five-franc pieces, and he was very pleased to see this one. He put it in his pocket.


'You're all right,' he said. 'Do you live in this street? Do you know number seven?'


'What do you want with number seven?' said Valjean.


'Letter for someone,' said Gavroche. 'A woman.'


Valjean stared at him. He felt cold. A woman. Cosette? He remembered at once the young man in the Luxembourg. He tried to smile. 'Ah, that's the letter for Cosette,' he said. 'I'm waiting for it.'


'Yes, that's her. Well, here you are,' said Gavroche. 'It comes from the barricade in the Rue de la Chanvrerie. I'm going back there now. Goodnight, Monsieur.'


Jean Valjean went back into the house with Marius's letter. He read it quickly... I love you. I can never forget you... So, Cosette, his dear, dear daughter, was in love. She was his world; without her, his life was nothing. He could not even think about it...




1.gone 走了;用完的;用光的

例句:The door slammed and he was gone.


           All my money is gone and I have nothing to buy food with.


2.stay 留下

例句:Stay right there! I'll be back in a minute.


           Why don't you stay for supper?


3.stay away from (=avoids)远离

例句:He usually stays away from large crowds.


           Stay away from my girlfriend!


4.the news is that… 消息是……

例句:The news is that they’re going to get married.


           Good news travels fast.


5.sth. is nothing to sb. 某事对某人不重要;没价值

例句:Money is nothing to him.


           Their suggestions mean nothing to you.


  • 樱花烂漫_予心


    元谋人待进化 回复 @樱花烂漫_予心: yes,最后柯赛特有了60万,沙威跳水自杀了

  • 清清倩倩


    Luminous_Wizard 回复 @清清倩倩: 华晨宇素颜照

  • Ajiuna玖

    和平的小白鸽 回复 @Ajiuna玖: 美,很美,非常美

  • 摸鱼儿_李唐


  • 酥秀


    和平的小白鸽 回复 @酥秀: 第6张和第9张(也就是最后一张)我最感兴趣,毕竟是吃货,看着就有食欲!哈哈哈😄😂😂😂😄😄

  • Jay乐


    和平的小白鸽 回复 @Jay乐: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

  • 右岸傲雪


    和平的小白鸽 回复 @右岸傲雪: 对的呀

  • 山地姐姐Sandy


    和平的小白鸽 回复 @山地姐姐Sandy: 哈哈😄

  • Jay乐

    和平的小白鸽 回复 @Jay乐: 干妈?110在

  • 小醉貓nina
