





Les Misérables L11

悲惨世界 L11

Every evening they met secretly in the garden at Rue Plumet. A kiss, a gentle laugh, whispered words of love--it was the spring and summer of their young lives.


But around them, outside their garden, there was change. There were angry people; there were police and soldiers on the streets of Paris. And one day Jean Valjean said to Cosette, 'My dearest child, we live in dangerous times. We must leave France and go to England.'


Cosette looked at him with frightened eyes. 'Must we go, Father?' she said.


Valjean watched her face. 'We must,' he said. 'Get ready to leave very soon.'


There was a change in Cosette. Valjean remembered the young man in the Luxembourg garden, and he looked at Cosette's beautiful young face. He was afraid--afraid of losing his dear daughter.


That evening in the Rue Plumet garden, there were many unhappy tears.


'But you must follow us to England,' cried Cosette.


'How can I do that?' cried Marius. 'I have no money, no passport even! England to me is like the moon!'


They held hands in the moonlight.


'Listen. I have an idea,' Marius said slowly. 'Wait two days. Perhaps...'


'Two days?' cried Cosette. 'How can I live two days without you?'


So, what is Marius's idea? It is this... He wants to marry Cosette, but he has no money. His grandfather has money. He must ask his grandfather... But his grandfather is an old man, and old men's ideas do not change easily. He shouts at Marius, Marius shouts back, and that is the end of that. the next evening he goes as usual to the Rue Plumet. There is nobody in the garden, the house is dark, the windows are closed--Cosette and her father are gone.


Marius cannot live without Cosette. He wants to die, but Gavroche tells him that his friends need him. It is June 1832, and students and workers are running through the streets of Paris, bringing rebellion to the city, and everyone must fight the government. Marius is soon at the barricades, with a gun in his hand. He is happy. Death can come at any moment with a bullet from a soldier's gun.


These are dangerous times. Jean Valjean sees Inspector Javert in a street near the Rue Plumet. What is he doing there? Are the police watching his house? Valjean does not wait. The same night he and Cosette leave Rue Plumet. They move to 7 Rue de I'Homme-Armé, and begin to get ready for England.


How can love find a way in these troubled times?




1.time cn. 一段经历

例句:They had their happy times, but they had their hard times too.


       Sometimes I enjoy my English classes, but at other times I find them really boring.


2.…to sb. is like… 某(物/人)对某人来说就像……

例句:That is the way I loved someone. But to me is like hell!


        Learning foreign languages to me is a lot like learning a new musical instrument.


3.as usual 像往常一样

例句:We joked and laughed as usual.


           I was very tired at the end of the day, as usual.


4.at any moment (=very soon)随时;很快

例句:She should be arriving at any moment now.


           The class is getting harder and you could give up at any moment


5.find a way 找到方法

例句:Life finds a way.


  • Jay乐

  • 听友95740108

    和平的小白鸽 回复 @听友95740108: 好看呀!哈哈哈哈哈

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    珂赛特当天晚上就高开了卜吕梅街。他们。 高开……

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