老外讲 Ghost story:网购差点被人绑架

老外讲 Ghost story:网购差点被人绑架


 I'm 24. And this happened five years ago. When I was 19, I was conducting an online transaction on a site called oaks, which is similar to craig's list. It's an online APP where you can see items being sold by random strangers. And all you have to do is make a call and meet up. I was looking for a cheap sweater for my trip to Japan the following week. After several minutes of scrolling, I came across an AD with exactly what I was looking for. A korean style female first water for just 300 pesos, about $6.
 It was perfect. I had issue with it. The meet up point was at the l r t train station at 8 pm because the seller was too busy at work. I decided what the heck. It's a public place. Anyway, I called the owner and we had a quick convalesce. He sounded like a strict guy, but I asked him when we could meet up. He responded tonight at eight pm sharp, I said, sure. But this recklessness of mine is what I regret the most. I arrived at the meeting place at 7:58 pm. It was really empty and I was sure I was the only person in the station.
 It was a cold night in November and I eagerly awaited warming myself with my coat. Honestly, I'm the kind of girl who's comfortable wearing a sweater even when it's hot. I was sitting on a bench when the clock ticked eight o'clock, when suddenly someone covered half of my face with a scarf, with a really strange scent. I fell unconscious as I woke up, I found myself in a van with four guys, my wrist handcuffed behind my back. I asked the man what they wanted and to please let me go.
 Tears began to fall from my eyes. But then one of the guys touched my face and said, it's our first time ever tasting a beautiful girl like you. I kept on crying and shouted, please! I wanna go home, please. The guy next to me choke me shouting that I need to shut up. I tried to resist, but my eyes started to roll back in my head. He stopped. But it was taking a long time for me to catch my breath. I looked out the window and saw a checkpoint lane.
 For the first time in my life. I was so glad that the authorities had permission to check the van. But the guy next to me reached for a gun, a really big gun. Knowing this was my only chance. I found the strength to shout and cried out, officer, please help! They have a gun! The two officers immediately grab their guns, one shooting at the tires, the other aiming for the man next to me. The officer shot him in the head. Yeah, I never thought i'd witness such a thing in my life.
 One of the officers carried me out of the van. I passed out moments later. I woke up the next day in a hospital bed. My parents were there crying and asking me what happened. I told them the truth that I was buying a sweater online, but I suddenly snapped. I cried and cried saying, please help! Since then, i've had to go to a psychiatrist to recover from mental instability and anxiety. And it should go without saying. But I never ever want to buy anything online ever again.


