老外讲 Ghost story:路灯下人

老外讲 Ghost story:路灯下人


 Oh, I'm scared of the dark. I have a good reason for it. You might be thinking, so almost everyone is scared of the dark because something happened to them. That is true for me, too. Here's my story. About two years ago, I ran away from home. I don't know just what I was thinking at the time. But I left with no food, no water, no belongings, and no coat. It was a very rainy day, and I sense that I should either find shelter or i'd be soaking wet.
 I decided to walk to my school and stay there for a few hours to dry off as I was already wet and cold. On a rainy day. As I arrived, I lay down my head and quickly fell asleep. When I woke up, it was pitch black outside. I could barely make out anything. I didn't have a watch or anything. That tells the time. So I assumed it was midnight. at least it stopped raining. I thought I decided to just go back home as I wasn't far. And I was very hungry that time as I got up, I stopped.
 There was something in front of me under a street light about 50 yards away. It was a man about six feet tall, and he was wearing a black coat with a hoodie over his face. So I couldn't see his face. At first, I thought it was my dad who had come to look for me, so I felt relief, but I didn't want to get into trouble. So I hid in a bush nearby and picked out. The man was standing there and looked around for what it seemed like a half an hour, then under the light of the street light, he pulled something out of his pocket.
 I couldn't make it out at first, but then I realized it was a kitchen knife. Then he started to run toward the bushes, know towards me exactly. I grew frightened and sprinted out of the bushes like an arrow. He already knew I was there. I didn't stop running until I got home without ever looking back. So I survived. But to this day, I still wonder what would have happened if I didn't run on that day or worse. What would have happened if I didn't wake up at the school?
 I developed my fear of the dark from this incident. It's so bad that now I have to sleep with a night light or the hallway light occasionally because I'm afraid that the man whom I saw will kill me or kidnap me someday. If I don't turn the light on, yeah, yeah.

