老外讲 Ghost story:疯狂的老头

老外讲 Ghost story:疯狂的老头


 When I was seven or eight years old, my parents used to take me to this beach cafe in our town. It had a pool and the cafe was right next to the beach, the family that only cafe where my family's close friends. So I spent a lot of my childhood there. The best part about the beach is that when you pass the cafe on the playground, there was a lot of sand and a net for volleyball as kids. My friends and I would always play there. One ordinary summer night, there was quite a few of his playing in the sand making castles and doing other things.
 All of a sudden I heard a noise behind me in the bushes, right where the sand ended. I should mention that there were woods around the whole place, but it wasn't deep or anything. I was a brave kid, so I just brushed it off as being a cat or animal of some sort and continued to play. However, when I looked up at my friends who were now quiet and staying still, I got the chills. I noticed that all of their eyes had widened. They were staring at me, or rather at whatever was behind me.
 The shock kicked in and I felt like I was going to fate. I started shaking. I didn't even wanna turn around. But when I felt something cold on the back of my neck, that was the last straw. I started running full speed towards the cafe, filled with people, and my friends immediately followed behind me. There were six children crying and screaming at the Top of our lungs. I remember finally clinging to my mom and crying in her arms. Soon after, the sound of sirens followed by police cars parked in front filled the air. When the adults talked to the police. When my friends and I were confused, I still didn't know what was behind me. So I asked my oldest friend in the group who was 10 years old and talking to his dad.
 It turns out that there was this crazy old guy who robbed the lady and stabbed her to death. Not so far away from here. My friends told me he appeared behind me, smiling like a sick clown. He was holding a knife and pressing it against the back of my neck. That must have been the cold thing I felt from then on. I never stayed far away from the cafe when the sun went down. And thankfully they caught the guy.

