中澳两首一起读:《芙蓉楼送辛渐》& Rain in the Mountains

中澳两首一起读:《芙蓉楼送辛渐》& Rain in the Mountains


本期嘉宾James Farrell是宁波诺丁汉大学经济学老师。从不承认自己是经济学领域的“专家”而自谦“仍是在学习和迷惑中求索的人”,James其实也是个隐藏的“中国通”。他喜欢研究中国唐诗,以及诗词歌赋在中国文化中的重要性,所以可以说是阅诗无数。经朋友推荐,今天他带来的其中一首诗就是唐代诗人王昌龄的《芙蓉楼送辛渐》,而英文版的翻译竟然是他在研究之后自己创作的!



寒雨连江夜入吴,Hán yǔ lián jiāng yè rù wú

平明送客楚山孤。Píngmíng sòng kè chǔshān gū 

洛阳亲友如相问,Luòyáng qīn yǒu rú xiāng wèn 

一片冰心在玉壶。Yī piàn bīngxīn zài yù hú

Bidding Farewell to XinJian at Lotus Pavilion

by James Farrell

Night: cold rains fuse with rivers, entering Wu.

Dawn: farewell to my guest beneath lonely Mount Chu.

In Luoyang should family and friends care to know,

As ice in ajade pot, my heart is true.

Rain in theMountains

by Henry Lawson 

The valley's full of misty cloud,

Its tinted beauty drowning,
The Eucalypti roar aloud,
The mountain fronts are frowning.
The mist is hanging like a pall
From many granite ledges,
And many a little waterfall
Starts o’er the valley’s edges.

The sky is of a leaden grey,
Save where the north is surly,
The driven daylight speeds away,
And night comes o’er us early.

But, love, the rain will pass full soon,
Far sooner than my sorrow,
And in a golden afternoon
The sun may set to-morrow.

Copyright: this poem of Henry Lawson is in the public domain now

"quoted from public-domain-poetry.com"

和《芙蓉楼送辛渐》在中国语文教育中一样,由19世纪的“Bush poet”(对澳大利亚和新西兰在殖民时期创作有关乡村生活主题的作家的统称)Henry Lawson创作的“Rain in the Mountains”在澳大利亚文学教育中的也居于重要地位。这两首诗的最显而易见的共性便是对自然风景的赞叹。“Rain in the Mountains”的情感表达并不如第一首诗《芙蓉楼送辛渐》那样强烈,James说在他看来,这首唐诗是在作者王昌龄遭遇贬谪的背景下夹杂着离别情绪而作,虽然创作背景略显消极而悲伤,但诗人在诗歌中还是流露出积极乐观的心态。James对唐诗颇有研究,他说“唐诗于中国而言本身不仅是一门本国的艺术,一门用特定时期语言编织的艺术,更是历经破坏和艰难险阻而衍传至今的重要文化。正因如此,它成为了一种维系全民族的情感纽带,这种情感最终升华成为中国的security'(保证)


