绝望主妇 | 精讲第67期: 吃瓜群众欢乐多

绝望主妇 | 精讲第67期: 吃瓜群众欢乐多



Scene 1

Bree: "I can see that Tisha is making the rounds. She must have some juicy new anecdote."

Rex: "Then, get her over here. I could use a funny story today." 
Bree: "Tisha. Tisha. Oh, I can tell by that look on your face you've got something good. Now, come on, don't be selfish." 
Tisha: "Well, first off, you're not friends with Maisy Gibbons, are you?"
Bree: "No." 
Tisha: "Thank god, because this is too good. Maisy was arrested. While Harold was at work, she was having sex with men in her house for money. Can you imagine?" 
Bree: "No, I can't." 
Tisha: "And that's not even the best part. Word is, she had a little black book with all her clients' names."

Rex: "So, uh...you think that'll get out?" 

Tisha: "Of course. These things always do. Nancy, wait up. I can't wait to tell you this. Wait, wait."

Bree: "Well, you heard your funny story, Rex. Why aren't you laughing?"

Scene 2

Edie: "I was just about to give a Maisy Gibbons update."

Lynette: "Guys, we should be ashamed of ourselves for reveling in that woman's misery. That being said, Edie, please continue."

Edie: "Well, I hear from a very reliable source that Maisy's gonna cut a deal with the prosecution. Apparently, she has some high-profile johns, and the D.A.'s looking for a second term."

Lynette: "I don't get it. I don't get who would pay Maisy for sex." 
Gabrielle: "Obviously, someone who's not getting it at home." 
Edie: "So, the upshot is Maisy is going to turn over her little black book with all of her clients' names."

Lynette: "Really." 
Edie: "Yep. I mean, can you imagine the fallout when this goes public? Ooh, blood on the walls." 

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  • 念无2105
  • 佳卓Jessy

    1.make the rounds 社交场地里周旋/把一个地方逛遍了 2. have some juicy new anecdote 超劲爆的瓜 3. Word is, 据说 4. revel in 从…获得乐趣 5. That being said 即便如此 6. cut a deal with the prosecution 与检方达成协议 7. high-profile 重要的,受人关注的,知名的 8.upshot 结果、结局 fallout 不良影响,不好的结果 9. blood on the walls. 血溅白墙

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