


(CNN)- If you grew up in the 1970s, '80s or '90s, his music was likelywoven(影响,交织)through your life.

Maybe it was when you first heard "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" and realized little Michael Jackson was all grown up. Or those times the slinky(紧凑的)beat of "Billie Jean" propelled(驱动,推动)you -- and half the club -- onto the dance floor. Or those private moments when you sang along to"Man in the Mirror" and vowed(发誓) to be a better person.


As great as those songs are, it's hard now to hear them in quite the same way.

The disturbing(烦扰的) claims of HBO's documentary(纪录片)"Leaving Neverland(梦幻岛)" have many fans rethinking(反思)their feelings about the late King of Pop(流行乐之王).

Similar abuse allegations(指控) have followed Jacksonfor decades. But the power of national television, amplified(放大)by internetoutrage(愤怒) and the #MeToomovement, appear to have brought a new reckoning(审判,清算)for the superstar's legacy(遗作) almost 10 years afterhis death.


It's similar to how Lifetime's recent "Surviving(健在的) R.Kelly" finally shifted(改变)publicopinion about the R&B singer. But for some, muting Michael Jackson -- astill-beloved pop icon whose musictranscends(超越) boundaries of age, race and geography -- is a much thornier(棘手的) prospect(前景).


Will radio and other outlets still play his music?

Almost certainly, at least for now.

Jackson hasn't been convicted of a crime(定罪). His 2009 deathinsulated(使…绝缘)his legacy somewhat because it precluded(排除) the possibility of any more criminal charges against him.

Butthere has been some recent pushback(后续). At least three radio stations in Canada have stopped playing his songs. "We areattentive(留意) to listeners'comments, and last night's documentary created reactions," Christine Dicaire,a spokeswoman(女代言人) for Cogeco, thestations' owner, said Monday in a statement.

Several radio stations in New Zealand also pulled Jackson's songs from their playlists(播放列表) this week. Even so,his music is still streaming on Spotify and Apple Music, both of which took the unusual step last year of yanking(召回)R. Kelly's songs from their featured playlists.

Several live shows featuring Jackson's music are still running, including Cirque du Soleil's(太阳马戏团) "Michael Jackson ONE" in Las Vegas. A spokeswoman for Cirque du Soleil declined to comment this week on whether the troupe(剧团) has received complaints or requests for refunds(退款).

 And a musical based on Jackson's rich catalog of hits, "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," is still scheduled to hit Broadway(百老汇) next year.

Is it morally(道德上) wrong to enjoy hissongs?

That's a decision each of us must make for ourselves.


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  • 吳家鵬

    我不会英语,但除了 他们并不关心我们 那首歌 会禁播,,为啥停播其他歌曲?