


Asbestos(石棉)found inClaire's cosmetics(化妆品), FDA(美国食品及药物管理局) says

(CNN)The FDA advisedconsumers not to use three Claire's brand cosmetic products after tests foundthey contained asbestos.

The agencyissued a safety alert on Claire's Eye Shadows, Compact Powder(粉饼)and Contour Pallette(高光调色板), after they tested positive for tremolite(矿物,透闪石) asbestos(石棉). The FDA also detected(检测) asbestos in a Justice product, which hadalready been recalled in 2017, accordingto the agency.



The three Claire'sproducts are not believed to be for sale, but consumers who have them at homeshould stop using them, the FDA said.

Claire's, whichsells makeup, jewelry珠宝 and accessories配饰 aimedat teens, tweens and kids, said that it has removed the threecosmetic items and any talc-based(用石英做原料的) products from stores. The company said in astatement that its products are safe and that "customer safety is paramount(至高无上的)."


The company tookissue with the FDA's tests. "The recent test results the FDA have sharedwith us show significant errors. Specifically, the FDA test reports have mischaracterized(错改)fibers(纤维) in the products as asbestos, in direct contradiction(否认) to established EPA(环保局)and USP(美国药典)criterion(标准) for classifying asbestos fibers.Despite our efforts to discuss these issues with the FDA, they insisted onmoving forward with their release."

Claire's said itwas "disappointed that the FDA has taken this step, and we will continueto work with them to demonstrate(证实)the safety ofour products."

Asbestos becomesdangerous when particles(颗粒) or fibers(纤维) enter the lungs(肺部) or stomach(肠胃). If swallowed(吞咽) or inhaled(吸入), tremolite asbestos(透闪石石棉) can lead to lung damage and cancer(癌症), including mesothelioma(间皮瘤), an aggressive and deadly form of cancer.

The FDAannounced that it's starting a voluntary (自愿的)registry(登记) for cosmetic companies to list their products and ingredients(成分,配料), including talc(云母).


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