


Florida inmates(囚犯)use their criminal skills to rescue a baby locked in an SUV

(CNN) An inmate in southern Florida used his criminal skills for a good cause.

He and a group of four other low-level offenders(罪犯) in Pasco County(帕斯科县), near Tampa(坦帕市), broke into an SUV on Thursday torescue a 1-year-old girl who was accidentally locked in, according to CNN affiliate(隶属机构)KABC-TV.

The mother of the child, Shadow Lantry, recorded the rescue operation(拯救行动) and posted it on Facebook. The video hasgarnered(获得) more than 4,000 views, and shows the inmates in their prison garb(装束)using a clothes hanger(衣架)to jimmy(撬开) the lock of the Chevy Tahoe.

Lantry told CNN affiliate WFTS-TV the incident began when the child's father strapped(扣住)the girl into a carseat in the back of the SUV and tossed(扔) the keysto the front seat. When he closed the back door, he realized the Tahoe was locked.

The inmates were repairing medians nearby when they anddeputies(副手) rushed to help, KABC said. Lantry said in her Facebook video the entire operation took about five minutes and the baby was not hurt.

"Thank God for the criminals in the world. I respect all y'all," Lantry says inthe video.

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco told WFTS it was a unique situation, allowing an inmate to use his skill set to break into a car for the right reasons.


"There's only a very small percentage of those criminals out there that want to fight us and want to attack us, but a lot of them, like these individuals, they know they made bad mistakes, bad choices, but they want to do the right thing in life," Nocco said.



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