


Cheat. Bribe(贿赂). Lie. Here's how the college admissions scam(舞弊案)allegedly(据称) worked


(CNN)The college admissions scheme revealed Tuesday is the largest of its kind ever prosecuted(起诉), federal prosecutors(检察官)said, and features 50 defendants(被告)across six states, millions of dollars in illegally funneled funds(注入资金)and a handful of(少量的)the country's most selective universities.

But at its core(从核心上来讲), the alleged scheme is remarkably simple-- and brazen(无所顾忌的).

Cheat on standardized tests(标准化测试). Bribe(贿赂)the people who decide which students get admitted. All the while pretending that money was for charity(慈善).

"I'll speak more broadly, there were essentially(本质上)two kinds offraud(欺诈)that Singer was selling," US Attorney Andrew Lelling said, referring to William Rick Singer, the figure at the center of the scheme.

"One was to cheat on the SAT or ACT, and the other was to use his connections with DivisionI coaches and use bribes to get these parents' kids into school with fake athletic(运动员的) credentials(证书)," Lelling said at a press conference in Boston. 

A total of 50 people were charged in the case. Those arrested(被捕)include two SAT/ACT administrators(管理员), one exam proctor(监考员), nine coaches at elite schools(名校), one college administrator and 33 parents, according to Lelling.

Here's how the plan worked, according to prosecutors(检察官)Of course, students who score higher on standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT aremore likely to get into selective colleges.


Given that, Singerfacilitated(帮助)cheating on those exams for students whose wealthy parents paid for his services.

Singer pleaded guilty(认罪) in court on Tuesday to four federal charges(联邦罪名) and admitted that the case against him was accurate.

According to the indictment(起诉书), he arranged for a third-party --generally Mark Riddell, who is charged with two conspiracy(阴谋)counts -- to secretly take the test in the students' place or replace their responses with his own.

How did Riddell allegedly take the tests without being noticed by the test administrators? Well, prosecutors said, Singer bribed them.

Igor Dvorskiy, whoadministered SAT and ACT tests in Los Angeles, and Lisa "Niki"Williams, who administered the tests at a public high school in Houston, areboth accused of(被指控) accepting bribes(受贿) to allow Riddell to take the tests. Both are charged with conspiracy to commit racketeering(诈骗), according to theindictment(起诉书).

Parents who hired Singer as part of the scheme allegedly paid between $15,000 and $75,000 pertest, the indictment states.

Huffman, an Academy Award nominee(奥斯卡金像奖提名者), has been charged with felony(重罪)conspiracy to commit mail fraud(邮件欺诈)and honest services mail fraud, according to courtpaperwork(文书) filed Mondayin federal court in Massachusetts(马塞诸色州).

She was arrested without incident at her home, the FBI said. She is accused of paying $15,000 to Singer's fake charity(慈善团体)to facilitate cheating for her daughter on the SATs, the complaint says.



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