


1.Lancaster bomber  


The Lancaster Bomber was Britain's premier(最重要的)heavy bomber during World War II .

Bomber来自Bomb n.  /bɑm/



1)bomb n.炸弹

atomic bomb

time bomb

Air pollution is a public health time bomb.

Deforestation is an environmental time bomb.


As retaliation(报仇)for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,

the American air force bombed Tokyo.  

The Doolittle Raid,也是电影《Pearl Harbor》的背景。


* I bombed my math test.

* I screwed up my math test .   

* I messed up my math test .

 I hope you will ace your test.

2.remote   adj.偏远的

= distant, far wary

Remote areas are far away from cities and places where most people live.

a remote village

a remote mountain

in the remote past/future

= in the distant past/future                

remote control  n.遥控器

When you want to turn on the TV, you will use a remote control.

口语中也常简称为“_______” 【听记1】

词根:mot = move

记忆:re=back  mote=move  

remote =“move back”

promote : pro=forward + mote=move

1)promote economic growth

2)Michael was promoted to senior manager.

3)promote the product

promotion n.促进,晋升,促销

emotion n.  

3.wreck n.残骸

A wreck is a ship, car, plane, or building

which has been badly damaged , especially in an accident.

After the accident, the car was a total wreck.

We can see the real Titanic wreck in the movie Titanic directed by James Cameron.

As a deep sea explorer, James Cameron made several dives to visit the Titanic wreck before making the movie.   

Cameron says,"I made the movie because I wanted to do an expedition(探险) to the wreck of the Titanic, and I did explore it."

4.aerial survey  航空勘察、测量


前缀:aer-  aero-  来自“air”空气,所以,往往引申为“_______”【听记2】



空袭:aerial attack

航拍照片:aerial photographs    

2)survey  勘测,调查


sur-= super,如surface;

vey = vis = see表示“看”(比如:Visit );

aerial survey

social survey

carry out/conduct/ do a survey of sth

We conducted a survey of the kids in remote areas.

We carried out an on-line survey of Chinese Internet users.(Chinese netizens)

We surveyed ten thousand netizens for the final report.

Of the ten thousand internet users surveyed,90% surf the internet on a daily basis.

5.rescue  v.营救,救援

(1)  Rescue和Save意思接近,但和save有啥细微区别?

save= To help someone survive, or to keep someone “safe”      

rescue = to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm


The fireman rescued the lady from the big fire.

Thank you for saving my life.  

A helicopter rescued three survivors of the plane crash.


 rescue helicopter

 rescue Team

 rescue operation

* A big rescue operation had been launched for the missing plane, but nothing was found.



I have received a package.                    

I will send a package of Christmas gifts to my friend by courier.


A courier is a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere



package tour

The government is going to announce a package of reforms.  


The moon-cakes are beautifully packaged,even though they taste not so good .


packet :       

a packet of peanuts

a packet of biscuits


比如:a six-pack of beer  

a twelve-pack of beer一打啤酒

backpack n.背包

Backpacker n.背包客

backpack v.背包旅行

If you go backpacking, you go travelling with a backpack.

Instead of staying at hotels, backpackers usually stay at hostels.

Personally,I prefer backpacking to a package tour.

Before you go backpacking you need to pack your things.

7. enthusiast   n.  爱好者狂热者

An enthusiast is a person with enthusiasm for something.


“Enthusiasm is a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eagerness to be involved in it.”

an English enthusiast  

If you are enthusiastic about sports, you are a sports enthusiast.

精彩表达: be enthusiastic about ....

Americans are enthusiastic about football.   



a computer geek  

A math geek

A science geek  


A movie junkie

A sports junkie

a technology junkie

= a tech junkie  


a drug addict

A video game addict

a TV addict = couch potato

an Internet addict  

8.restore  v.修复,恢复

词源:re="back, again" , -store=set up

To restore means to make something return to its former state or condition

比如:restore an oil painting

The Forbidden City was carefully restored after 1949.

The UN is making every effort to restore peace in the Middle East   

Jack was hoping that taking a long vacation would restore him to full health.

restore one's confidence

After the financial crisis, the US government decided to stimulate the economy and restore investor confidence

9.colony  n.


former British colonies .

an artists' colony

A colony may also refer to a group of plants or animals that live together or grow in the same place.

a colony of bees

a colony of ants  

Colonies of sea birds can be seen on this island.



词源:“pre”= before   

“serve”= to keep safe  

preserve = guard beforehand,

To preserve means to keep something in its original form or keep it in good condition.

preserve forests

preserve historic buildings

When we preserve food, we treat it in order to prevent it from decaying so that we can store it for a long time.

preserved food

preserved vegetable

Preserved meat

preserved eggs= thousand-year-old eggs


1. Remote

2. 飞行,航天

  • 刘东欣_英文本色


  • 今朝已去


  • 老婆女儿都美女

    Instead of staying at hotels, backpackers usually stay at hostels 这是什么情况😳

    谁听禅语 回复 @老婆女儿都美女: hotel v.s. hostle.

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  • Tina_MichaelKevindle

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