


1. 中英文逐句转述 


My neighbour Jack is an annoying guy, who is always goofing around .


Meeting him can be a disaster, because however busy you are, he always insists on following you around like a shadow.  


Yesterday morning , I went shopping and caught sight of him walking towards me .


To avoid meeting him, I quickly crossed the street, pretending that I had not seen him.


Unfortunately , he saw me and ran towards me.


Oh, My Gosh! I told myself I had to figure out a way of shaking him off, or the whole morning would be completely spoilt.

【shake sb off v. = get away from sb】


I decided to make the first move so I said, “Hey, Jack. Small World!” 

【口语:small World!或者说It is a small world./ What a small world.】


Jack was super excited to meet me, as he had been wondering how to kill time.


Not surprisingly,he asked me whether I was busy that morning.


With a polite smile, I lied to him that I was not busy, but I was going to the dentist , thinking he wouldn't be interested in going to the dentist unless he had a terrible toothache.


Much to my surprise, he still wanted to come with me because he loved to read the magazines in the waiting room.


In despair, I had to lie to him again that I had left my wallet at home so I had to go back immediately.

2. 全英文转述 

My neighbour Jack is an annoying guy, who is always goofing around. Meeting him can be a disaster, because however busy you are, he always insists on following you around like a shadow.  Yesterday morning , I went shopping and caught sight of him walking towards me. To avoid meeting him, I quickly crossed the street, pretending that I had not seen him.

Unfortunately , he saw me and ran towards me. Oh, My Gosh! I told myself I had to figure out a way of shaking him off, or the whole morning would be completely spoilt.

I decided to make the first move so I said, “Hey, Jack. Small World!” Jack was super excited to meet me, as he had been wondering how to kill time. Not surprisingly, he asked me whether I was busy that morning. With a polite smile, I lied to him that I was not busy, but I was going to the dentist, thinking he wouldn't be interested in going to the dentist unless he had a terrible toothache.

Much to my surprise, he still wanted to come with me because he loved to read the magazines in the waiting room. In despair, I had to lie to him again that I had left my wallet at home so I had to go back immediately.

3. 东欣点评: 


Why do people hesitate to say no when they don't want to say yes ?

We human beings will often choose what is most satisfying in the present, rather than what will make us happiest in the future—and pleasing others (and thinking of ourselves as generous) by saying“yes” tends to be far more pleasant in the present than saying “no”. 

But saying yes when we want to say no tends to bite us later, in the form of resentment and exhaustion. 【exhaustion n.筋疲力尽exhausted adj.筋疲力尽的】

How to say No gracefully ?

Tip No.1: Be clear about your priorities .

Saying no is easier when we're clear about our priorities; it's even harder to decline a request when our reasons for doing so seem unimportant.

Tip No.2: Think before you respond.

Suppose a friend asks you to help him with his report. But you are be too busy to help.

If possible, don't give your answer immediately. You can weigh your options and limitations and get back to the person later.

Say: “To be honest, I'm not sure if I can help you this time because of my workload. I'm afraid I might not be able to give it my full attention. But let me look at my schedule and get back to you on that tomorrow morning.”

Tip No.3: Give a reason when possible—not a fabrication(捏造的信息).

You want others to feel positive as they walk away, so the reason needs to be real. Lies will always come back to bite you.

Tip No.4: Be honest, but don't be afraid to be vague.

Telling the truth is not the same as sharing more details than are necessary, even if someone asks why you can't help them out or come to their party.

【东欣老师提示:这里than are necessary是非常特殊具有比较功能的“定语从句”,than是一个关系代词,more details than are necessary字面意思就是:“比必要的细节更多的细节”,也就是不必要的细节】

“No”language examples:

“ I am sorry. I have plans tomorrow which would make it hard for me to attend the party.”

“I'm on a deadline, and I can't take on more work until it's finished. Can I follow up with you on Friday?”

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