


1. “The power of pyramid structure”金字塔结构的思维威力:

Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his life-time studyingactive volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.




首句是Topic sentence.描述general information

A topic sentence is just like the beginning of a movie which presents a panorama to the audience.

It then tells a specific story about the scientist: “In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro....” 

“近景镜头”:a close-up

The power of the Pyramid structure.

Barbara Minto: the Pyramid structure

《The Pyramid Principle》

The principle talks about structured thinking and communication.

The presentation logic is supposed to look like a pyramid. 

On top of the pyramid is your major point.  

All the ideas grouped underneath(在下方)will serve to explain or defend that point in ever greater detail.

Ideas at any level in the pyramid must always be summaries of the ideas grouped below them.

举例:Start with your general answer, followed by supporting details.

Tell me about your greatest strength.

“My greatest strength is my writing skills.  

I am able to write well under pressure, and I've never missed a deadline.

One specific example that comes to mind is when I was asked to complete a project that a colleague forgot about.

My editor (主编)didnt realize this until two hours before the deadline. It was an important piece, so I got to work fast, and with great precision, I finally managed to complete the article. Not only was it finished on time, but it was received very well by readers of the publication.”

小结:The pyramid structure will help you think , speak and write more logically and efficiently.

2. 如何表达“成功做到”?


Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently.

This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures.



was able to的含义:可以表示“成功做到”(具体能力),

【was able to也可以表示一般能力,但不如could常见】

Tazieff was able to set up his camp ....相当于说:

He succeeded in setting up his camp very close to the volcano during its violent eruption

如果说:He could set up his camp very close to a volcano.表达的是什么?

造句:In the 1980s , only a few families could send their kids abroad.

But with the support of his parents, Michael was able to go abroad and went to Harvard.

2)复习36课:除了was able to之外,我们也常常用“managed to”来表达“做到了”:

原文回放:Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long.


If you manage to do something, especially something difficult, you succeed in doing it after trying very hard.

小结:managed to do有一种:____【听记2】



Kevin reached the mountaintop .  

【He did it. But we don’t know whether it was easy or hard.】

Kevin managed to reach the mountaintop.   

【He did it. But it was very hard.】

造句:Though my uncle was stubborn , I finally managed to persuade him to quit smoking.


How did you get a ticket to the concert?  

How did you manage to get a ticket to the concert ?


How did Jack manage to work three days in a row without sleeping ?

How did Mark manage to graduate from college at the age of 18 ?

How did you manage to climb to the top of Everest ?


1. 先判断,再细节

2. “克难”思维

  • g314625hymbi2ijb6vn0


  • 早起之虫被鸟吃

    越到后面人越少 继续加油

  • 米米学英文


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    有来学 回复 @1561687jeth: 你好,有的,请按照音频下方文稿听前小提示,关注“享学精品课”后,点击“联系”即可获取讲义和进群方式哦

  • 李77今天学习了没


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  • 小千1987

    老师,你好,我有一个问题:在43课第一段里,有一句是...., the American explorer, R.E.Byrd,...是先介绍了职业,再说了人名,而这篇文章是先说人名再介绍职业,这两种描写方式有区别吗?通常哪种用的多一些呢?

    小千1987 回复 @刘东欣_英文本色: 明白了,谢谢老师!
