


Tipping as we know it today started in Old Europe. Many Europeans started giving ‘tips’ around the 1500s to servers in bars.


At first, Americans didn’t like to tip. They thought tipping was old-fashioned. 






But that changed in the late 1800s, after slavery ended. Railroads decided to staff trains with freed slaves without really paying them. Instead, they started a system where the payment to the staff was given by the passenger. 


This system almost single-handedly started the black middle class in America, even though it would have been better and safer if the railroads just paid their staff.






Later, in the 1920s, tipping almost always happened between black and white Americans, and many white people didn’t want to feel pressured to tip black workers. 


So, up to six states even banned tipping.





But in the 30s, many restaurants couldn’t afford to pay their servers, so they asked customers to start tipping them instead. Tipping has been normal in American restaurants ever since.


In fact, the minimum wage is lower for servers, because servers are expected to make tips.







Today, many people feel that tipping is unfair to both servers and customers. Sometimes, even if a server does a great job, customers just don’t tip very much, and that makes life hard for the servers. Also, many customers feel uncomfortable tipping or don’t know how much they should tip. 


The worst thing is, attractive servers make more average tips than other servers, even if they don’t do as good a job. That’s why many people today think we should quit tipping altogether and just add a “service charge” to the bill.







In the USA, there are two kinds of restaurants: fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants. If you order your food at a counter, that’s a fast food restaurant, and you don’t have to tip anyone if you don’t want to. If you order your food while sitting at a table, that’s a sit-down restaurant, and you should tip the waiter about 15-20 percent of the bill. The easy way to calculate 15-20 percent is to look at the tax on the bill, which should be about 8 percent, then double it for your tip.




For a taxi driver, you should tip 10-20 percent. I usually tip more if they help me with my suitcase and don’t smoke in the cab.



If you’re staying in a fancy hotel and someone helps you with your luggage, it’s customary to tip them one dollar per bag. For bartenders, you can tip about one dollar per drink.


Always, always, always remember to check the bill before you tip. If the bill says “Gratuity included,” that means you don’t have to tip at all.

每次,每次,每次都要记得先看账单再给小费。如果账单上说gratuity included,那你不用给小费了。

  • 洋洋_kF6

    这样貌似不公平啊, 餐厅老板获利最大呀, 只需支付服务员minimum salary。 而顾客要支付饭钱和服务费

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @洋洋_kF6: 是的是的,确实很不理想

  • 144634025


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @144634025: 对滴

  • 陈默_zz

    In fact, Chinese restaurants also have tips, which are called tea and water charges. I once joked to the waiter that I could open the cups only if I paid for them,so could I take them away after dinner?

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @陈默_zz: Nice! But those aren't really tips, they're "extra charges." That money doesn't go to the waiters, it goes to the restaurant.

  • 醉萌_


  • 醉萌_


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @醉萌_: 不给也不合理,因为这边的系统是这样的。你就可以想象那个消费已经写到价单上面、已经在账单里面。服务员的工资故意放低的,就是因为美国人是给消费的。所以你不给,就说明人品不好。可是服务员一般不会烦你的,只能忍。

  • Hugh8

    it is really a looking face world. Joshua, I need your help. I don't know how to translate 颜值

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @Hugh8: "It's a really superficial world." Attractiveness?