


4021. book/ buk/ n.书,书籍;印刷(或电子)出版物;著作;本子;v.预订;预约【I've booked us two tickets to see "Carmen". 我已经为我们订了两张《卡门》的票。】;(警方)将…记录在案;(裁判)记名警告【A football player who is booked twice in a game is sent off the field. 足球比赛中,球员若受到两次警告就会被罚下场。】

4022. sophisticated/ sə’fistikeitid/ adj.精于世故的,老练的;见多识广的;很有品位的【 He is a smart and sophisticated young man. 他是一个聪明老成的年轻人。/ I don't think I have any books that would suit your sophisticated tastes. 我认为我没有什么书能满足你那高雅的品位。】;精密的,复杂的;高级的【These are among the most sophisticated weapons in the world. 这些属于世界上最尖端的武器。】

4023. sophistication/səˌfɪs.tɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ n.世故,老练;精密化【The sophistication of computers is increasing. 计算机的精密程度越来越高。】

4024. forbid/ fə’bid/ v.(尤指官方)禁止,不许,阻止,妨碍【He is forbidden from leaving the country. 他被禁止离境。】

4025. polite/ pə’lait/ adj.有礼貌的【She sent me a polite letter thanking me for my invitation. 她给我写了一封客气的信,感谢我的邀请。】;有教养的;斯文的,文雅的【polite conversation 温文尔雅的谈话】;

4026. politeness/pə'laɪtnəs/ n. 殷勤;客气;有礼貌;文雅【She listened to him, but only out of politeness. 她只是出于礼貌听他讲话。】

4027. modest/ ‘mɔdist/ adj. 不大(或多、贵)的;适中的【Just a modest portion for me, please. 我只要一小份就好,谢谢。】;谦虚的,谦逊的【He's very modest about his achievements. 他对自己的成就很谦虚。】;(女子的衣着、举止等)端庄的,正派的,朴素的【a modest manner 端庄的举止】

4028. modesty/ˈmɔdɪsti/ n.谦虚,谦逊【She does a lot of work for charities, but her modesty forbids her from talking about it. 她为慈善事业做了许多工作,但她很谦虚,从不谈起此事。】;(女子的衣着、举止等)端庄,正派,朴素

4029. polish/ ‘pɔliʃ/ v.擦,擦亮,磨光【Polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather. 定期擦拭你的鞋以保护皮革。】;n.磨光,擦亮【I'll just give my shoes a quick polish. 我要把我的鞋很快地擦一擦。】;精巧;优美;精致【It's a lively, good-hearted film but it lacks a little polish. 这部电影充满活力、用心良苦,只是缺乏一点点睛之笔。】;Polish/ ˈpəulɪʃ / adj.波兰的;波兰人的;波兰语的;n. 波兰语

4030. bone/ bəun/ n.骨,骨头;肉骨;鱼刺;v.剔去…的骨头【The chef bones the fish before grilling it. 厨师烤鱼前剔除了鱼骨。】;adj.(工具或装饰品)骨制的

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